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오픽 230문장 연속 듣기 -3

i watch the show like this

i watch tv about once a week

i usually watch them with friends.

i usually go to cafe to hang out with friends

my favorite menu item to order is cafe latte

the most memorable experience was when i visited famous cafe in paris

the first time i went to a cafe is when

the the social networkd i like the most is twitter.

i usually visit the site before i go to bed.

it's my favorite social network because it 

i started visiting this blog to learn how to cook

i usually listen to music when i work.

i play a music on my mp3 player

i first became interested in this type of music when i saw a performance on TV.

this music means  a lot to me because it helped me get through a difficult time.

my favorite dish to cook is lameon.

i usually cook in the morning

i started cooking when i was 10 years old.

the problem was that i overcooked the noodle.

i played a basket ball for the first time when i was 10 years old

it's pretty hard to learn.

the most memorable game i played was play off game.

it's memorbal game because my team won the championship.

i first learn how to swim during

i tried to go swimming every day after work

the last time i went swiming is yester day.

the most memorable was when i first swam

i usually ride my by every day.

my is black and has the basket.

i started riding the vycle to hang out with my friends

my brother taught me how to ride bike.

i jog with my friends

when i go for walk, i always bring my mp3 player.

when you go walking you should wear the shoes fits well.

when i decided to loose some wiehgt, i first became interested in walking.

i  enjoy travling to a beach

i like going there because there are a lot of tourist attractions

before trip, i usually plan my budget

i make sure to bring my camera

before i go on a business trip, i pack everything that i will need

i make sure to bring my laptop computer.

i usually have a few hours of free time on a business trip.

during my free time, i explore the city i'm in.

when i'm off work, my family usually visits me.

during my vacation, we normally watch tv together.

one memorable vacation was when my sister came to visit me.

it was my most relaxing vacation  ever.

how long will the project take?

i'm calling you about a trip i'm planning.

how much is it for each ticket?

i became uncomfortable

the concert was at the olympic stadium.

i enjoyed the whole experience.

everyone in the class enjoyed the lecture.

i have to kick hard to go forward

you shoud take occasional break.

we have to dress in formal business attire

to be healthy, people should get enough exercise.

i can concentrate easily in my room.

one week, i couldn't do my chores.

my room is so large so i can keep many things in it.

i pack a cell phone so that i can contact the people i will meet.

i need to study hard to improve my GPA.


It was the most enjoyable vacation ever.

every summer is hotter than last one

i have worked at kosmo electronics for two years.

i like to make fried rice on saturday afternoon

i have a bed, a bookshelf, and a closet in the room

i usually listen to music on subway

if there is nothing to do, i like to take a short nap.

i get distracted easily if other people are around

the biggest change  in tv programming is now that there are a lot of reality shows

the most memorable event for this class was when i got perfect score on exam.

my responbility include reseaching trend

i worked on a market analysis project

i went to a concert by my favoirte singer.

the concert was at small venue.

the place i like to shop is the department store near suwon stataion.

the first time i went to cafe was when i wan 10 years old.




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