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[C_TAW12_750] Screening 1 - (1/2)

최초 작성일: 2023년 4월 18일

최종 작성일: 2023년 4월 18일


목표: SAP Certi 취득 (2023년 4월 22일!!!!!!!!!)


1. which of the following generic types can you use to define a field symbol that will be assigned to a character string?

type csequence ( text-like ( c, string))

type any

type clike ( c,n and string plus the date/time)


2. what features are provided by the database interface? ( table - DB ig (app) - view)

access to SAP table buffer ( 디버깅 같은 역할로 데이터 삽입 가능)

conversion of open SQL statements from ABAP statements into the corresponding database statementsdatabase independence of application program


3. what must exist before you can create a new transportable function module? (3 answers)function grouppackage( 개발 클래스 : ZC01)change request ( CTS)


4. In a subclass, you want to redefine a method of the super class. which of the following condition must be fulfilled? ( 2 answers) super class - cub class

the subclass method has same visibility as the super class method

the subclass method is an instance method (call method super -> constructor)


5. which of the following program types can contain screens? ( 3 answers)executable programsfunction groupmodule pools


6. which of the following repository objects can you maintain in the ABAP workbench? ( 3 answers)module pools

transparent tables

function module


7. where are fixed values for fields stored? ( 1 answer)domain


8. what are some of new features of open SQL netweaver 7.5 (2 answers)

case expression

string expression


9. you write a report that displays mass data in a table. you decide to use the ALV grid control ( class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID) instead of a classical list display with WRITE statements. which of the following functions can you offer to the user without doing any specific programming? ( 2correct asnwers)

change column width and sequence

sort and filter the data by any column.


10. which of the following characters is the first of a menu exit function code? ( 1 answer)


11. which of the following elements can string template contain? ( 3 answers)

string processing statement ( ex) concatenate, split)

function method calls

literals ( defined character-like value)


12. you want to read single line an internal table using table expression itab[]. how can you  identify the line? (3)

specify secondary table key ( 키필드 - 일반 필드)

specify of where condition ( where 절)

specify line index


13. your selection- screen can be modified at which event? (1)

at selection screen output


14. what must you do create singleton class? ( 2)

set the class instantiation to the private

create object in static method of the class itself.


싱글톤(Singletone) vs C#정적클래스(static class) 차이점 무엇? - postpiglet-blog


싱글톤(Singletone) vs C#정적클래스(static class) 차이점 무엇? - postpiglet-blog

우리가 흔히 쓰는 디자인 패턴인 싱글톤과 C#에서 지원하는 정적클래스는 기능이 비슷해서 헷갈려는데, 한번 둘의 차이점이 무엇인지 언제 쓰는게 좋은지 정리하고자 한다. #특징 싱글톤 싱글톤




15. what can you create using the abap dictionary? ( 3 answers)

transparent tables


type pools ( 광역 변수나 상수등을 선언하는 곳이라고 보면됨.)


[한설날][ABAP] ABAP Dictionary (tistory.com)


[한설날][ABAP] ABAP Dictionary

ABAP, openSQL 전체 목차로 가기 ABAP Dictionary . 데이터 정의어(DDL)을 사용할 수 없는 openSQL의 한계를 보완하기 위해 존재하는 기능입니다. . 같은 서버를 공유하는 모든 프로그램에서 사용할 수 있는 R


[SAP ABAP 강좌 1] 도메인 (Domain) - 나와 함께 SAP질을 (tistory.com)


[SAP ABAP 강좌 1] 도메인 (Domain)

도메인 이란 필드의 기술적 속성을 정의하는 Dictionary 개체이다. 이는 Data Element에 할당되어 사용되며, 다시 Data Element는 테이블의 필드, 프로그램 안에서 변수로 사용되게 된다. 자동차를 예로 들



16.which database objects can you create in the abap dictionary?

projection view



17. you have created the following repository objects;

a class with an event definition

a handler class with a method ON_EVR which handles this event

a report that instantiates the handler class

the report does not react to the event. how do you analyze this issue? ( 3 answers)

  • check if the event if triggerd by setting a breakpoint at the RAISE EVENT statement.
  • check if the implementation of the handler mehod ON_EVT contatins the correct(desire) logic.
  • check if the handler method is registered.


18. which of the following incomplete ABAP predefined data types? ( 3answers) w 86.





19. you want to loop over an internal table without copying each table row to a work area.

how can you archive this using a field symbol? (1)

LOOP AT <itab> ASSIGNING <field_symbol> ENDLOOP.


20. you call a lock module. which exception could the lock module raise when a logical lock CANNOT be set? (2)




21. which of the following actoins can you perform in both ABAP editor and ABAP debugger?

create breakpoint for a specific line.


22. what do enhancement spots manage? (3)

explicit enhancement sections

explict enhancement points

new BAdls


23. when does the lifetime of a component controller begin and end?


it lasts from creating data within the controller to cover the whole period duing which the comp


onent is in use.


24. your program performs a data base update by calling function modules in an update task. which ABAP statements can be used in the program to discard all updates requests for the current SAP logical unit of work(luw)?(3)

rollback work

message type a(termination)

message type x(exit-덤프)


25. you can use the logical expression IS SUPPLIED for any formal parameter passed to which modularization unit? (3)

static method

function module

instance method


26. to which ABAP dictionary definition can you assign fixed values? (1)



27. you have created a screen on which the user enters data that is to be inserted into table T1. how do you ensure that the content of field F in table T1 is checked against T2? (1)

Create a foreign key for the assigned fields F of table T1 in the table T2  and make the check table


28. you have written a method implementation containing the following access to an internal table defined as a changing parameter of the method. 


what are the possible type definitaions for parameter ct_itab?(3)

sorted table

standard table

index table


29. where can you define global data types that are visible system - wide?


in the abap dictionary

in a global interface

in a global class


30. your program uses the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID to generate a classic ALV Grid Control. what do you need in your program to react to a use double- clicking a row in the ALV Grid? (3)

a handler methold for the double_click event

a handler class

a SET HANDLER  statement to register the handler to the event


31. what is the purpose of the enqueuer work process?(1)

it manages logical locks in the lock table

enqueuer 뜻 - 영어 사전 | enqueuer 의미 해석 (wordow.com)


enqueuer 뜻 - 영어 사전 | enqueuer 의미 해석

enqueuer 뜻 EN 품사 계층 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)형태소접미사접미사로 단어명사 관련 링크: en enqueuers 출처: 위키낱말사전 Meaning of enqueuer for the defined word. 문법적으로, 이 워드 "enqueuer" 는  형태소, 좀



32. which of the following statemnet correctly define a data object which the type of data element s_conn_id? (3)

PARAMETER gv_id TYPE s_conn_id

DATA gv_id TYPE s_conn_id

CONSTANTS gv_id TYPE s_conn_id VALUE '0400'.


33. in which modularization units can you use parameter? (3)

subroutines(form - end form)


function modules



34. what type of method is generated automatically by the web Dynpro exploer when you assign an action to a button UI element?

event handler method


35. which of the following statements creates a data object? (3)

1) class-data  : static(고정된)method를 선언할 때 사용

2) constant



36. you run an executable program which contains the following code:

DATA: gv_var1 TYPE N LENGTH 3,
	  gv_var2 TYPE N LENGTH 3 VALUE '456'.
	CLEAR gv_var2.
    gv_var2 = gv_var1.
    gv_var1 = '123'.

         at what point does the system reserve memory for the data object gv_var1? (1)

as soon as the program is loaded into the internal session.


37. what transactions can be used to carry out modification adjustment after a system upgrade? (2)

modification adjustment: dictionary object selection ( transaction SPDD) to adjust ABAP dictionary.

modification adjustment: object selection (transaction SPAU) to adjust ABAP repository object.


38. you have declared a sorted internal table with the column A,B,C and D. the key consistes of column A,B,C in this order. which combination of columns in the where clause loop statements allows the system to optimize the process to the table? (2)

B and C

A and B


39. which components belong to an elementary search help? (2)

selection method

import/export parameters


* elementary search help는 하나의 탐색 path를 이용한다.


40. which of the following components are part of SAP netwearvers AS ABAP version 7.1 x and higher? (2)

message server

internet communication manager ( ICM)


41. you have been asked to review the following expression and which process character string result = find ( val = 'abapABAP' sub= 'A' occ = 2 case = 'X'.)



42. which additions to the PARAMETERS statements can you use to fill the input fields on the selection screen with a suggested value?



DATA: 1_fname(20) TYPE c.
parameters : p_1 DEFAULT 'A',
			P_2 TYPE char10,
            p_3 TYPE c LENGTH 3 DEFAULT '123',
            p_4 TYPE p decimals 2 DEFAULT '123.45678'.


43. what are the advantages of defining texts symbols in executable programs?

they are easier to maintain than literals

they facilitate multilingual functionality.


44. what parameters can you set when you run the code inspector?(3)

  • check variant name
  • object set name
  • inspection name

45. you write the following ABAP statement . how are the fields in the field list of the SELECT statement copied to the target structure?


they are copied from left to right ( 또는 from A to B)

SELECT SINGLE carrid connid cityfrom cityto from spfli INTO gs_spfli
where carrid = pa_car AND connid=pa_con.

46. Which of the following rules must you follow when you create a static constructor? (3)

you can not use parameters or exceptions

you can only define static constructors in the public section

you must name the method CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR


47. what do you need to have in your program to respond to the DOUBLE_CLICK event raised by an instance of the CL_GUI_ALV_GRID class?

a handler method for the event

a handler class

a set handler statement to register the handler to the event

(method - class - set handler statement to register the handler to the event)


48. which are the functions ABAP dispatcher?

it distributes the request amont the work processes ( distribute)

it integrates the presentation layer (integrates)

it saves the processing request in the request queue.  (save)


*ABAP dispatcher는 application내의 dispatcher가 work process를 적절히 분배하는 역할을 담당하게 된다.


49. can you search for suitable classic business add-ins(BAdls)?

search in an application program for the method GET_INSTATNCE of class CL_EXITHANDLER

search for suitable entries in the relevant component in the implementation guide (IMG)


50. What are the advantages of modularization?


