007where절 배우기 -1 (숫자 데이터 검색)
SELECT order_idx,status,paid_date,ebut_sku_code,order_qty,order_shipping_price
FROM thegifting_personal_matche.erp_order_hst
where order_shipping_price > 5000;
SELECT order_idx,status,paid_date,ebut_sku_code,order_qty,order_shipping_price
FROM thegifting_personal_matche.erp_order_hst
where order_shipping_price > 5000;
008where절 배우기 -2 (문자와 날짜 검색)
SELECT order_idx as '주문번호' ,status as '주문상태' ,paid_date as '결제일' ,ebut_sku_code as 'sku no'
,order_qty as '주문수량' ,order_shipping_price as '결제 금액'
FROM thegifting_personal_matche.erp_order_hst
where order_shipping_price > 3000
and ebut_sku_code = "ITW-101-1590";
009 산술연산자 배우기 (*,/,+,-)
SELECT ebut_sku_code as 'sku no'
,order_qty * order_shipping_price as '결제 총 금액'
FROM thegifting_personal_matche.erp_order_hst
where order_shipping_price > 3000;
010 비교 연산자 배우기 -1 (>,<,>=,<=,=,!=,<>,^=)
SELECT ebut_sku_code as 'sku no'
,order_qty * order_shipping_price as '결제 총 금액'
FROM thegifting_personal_matche.erp_order_hst
where order_shipping_price != 3000 order by order_qty * order_shipping_price desc ;
011 비교 연산자 배우기 -2 (between and)
SELECT ebut_sku_code as 'sku no'
,order_qty * order_shipping_price as '결제 총 금액'
FROM thegifting_personal_matche.erp_order_hst
where order_qty * order_shipping_price between 30000 and 36000 order by order_qty * order_shipping_price desc ;
012 비교 연산자 배우기 -3 (LIKE)
SELECT ebut_sku_code as "sku no", title as "상품명", products_title as "스타일"
FROM thegifting_personal_matche.erp_product_sku_hst
WHERE products_title LIKE '%유리엘라%' ;
013 비교 연산자 배우기 -4 (IS NULL)
FROM thegifting_personal_matche.erp_product_sku_hst
where is_subscription is null;
014 비교 연산자 배우기 -5 (IN)
SELECT ebut_sku_code,title,type_cd,products_title,real_size
FROM thegifting_personal_matche.erp_product_sku_hst
WHERE real_size IN ('85A','85B','80C') order by real_size;
015 논리 연산자 배우기 (AND, OR,NOT)
SELECT date_no, ad_channel,campaign_name, spend FROM thegifting_personal_matche.daily_ads_log
WHERE ad_channel ="NAVER" AND spend > 100000 order by spend;
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