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[Core Data Service for ABAP] Index

1. Modeling Your First CDS View

1.1 Define the Data Model of the Application

1.2 Implement the Data Model of the Application

1.2.1 Create Database Tables

1.2.2 Create a CDS View

1.2.3 Edit a CDS View

1.2.4 Create a Hierarchy of CDS Views

1.3 Summary


2. Fundamentals of CDS Data Modeling

2.1 Overview of CDS Models

2.2 Overview of CDS View Syntax

2.3 Key Fields

2.4 Cast Operations

2.5 Typed Literals

2.6 Case Statements

2.7 Session Variables

2.8 Client Handling

2.9 Union Views

2.10 Joins

2.11 SQL Aggregation Functions

2.12 Projection Fields

2.13 Parameters

2.14 Reference Fields

2.15 Conversion Functions for Currencies and Quantity Units

2.16 Summary


3. Associations

3.1 Define Associations

3.2 Expose Associations

3.3 Model Compositional Relations

3.4 Model M:N Relations

3.5 Project Associations

3.6 Use Associations in CDS Views

3.6.1 Define Path Expressions

3.6.2 Joins Resulting from Path Expressions

3.6.3 Cardinaliry Changes Resulting from Path Expressions

3.7 Use Association in ABAP Code

3.8 Summary


4. Annotations

4.1 Annotation Definitions

4.1.1 Syntax Overview

4.1.2 Annotation Names

4.1.3 Annotation Types and Values

4.1.4 Enumeration Values

4.1.5 Annotation Default Values

4.1.6 Annotation Scopes

4.2 Effects of Annotations

4.3 Propagation Logic of Element Annotations

4.3.1 Basic Principles

4.3.2 Consistency Aspects

4.4 CDC Metadata Extensions

4.5 Active Annotations

4.6 Summary

5. Access Controls

5.1 Fundamentals of Access Controls

5.2 Mode of Action of Access Controls

5.3 Implementations Patterns for Access Controls

5.3.1 Implement Access Controls with Path Expressions

5.3.2 Inherit Implementation of Access Controls

5.3.3 Implement Access Controls without Using Authorization Objects

5.3.4 Implement Access Controls for Analytical Queries

5.3.5 Implement Access Controls on the Field Level

5.3.6 Change Access Controls of SAP-Delivered CDS Models

5.3.7 Block Standard Data Selections from CDS Models

5.3.8 Decouple Access Controls from User Input

5.3.9 Map CDS Fields onto Fields of Authorization Objects Usint indirection

5.4 Test Access Controls

5.5. Summary


6. Business Services

6.1 Projection View

6.2 Service Definitions

6.3 Service Bindings

6.3.1 UI Services

6.3.2 Web API Services

6.3.3 InA Services

6.4 Testing Business Services

6.5 Summary


7. Native SAP HANA Functions in CDS

7.1 Implementation of a CDS Table Function

7.2 Application Scenarios

7.3 Aspects for Consideration

7.4 Summary


8. Modeling Application Data

8.1Application Architecture in SAP S/4 HANA

8.2 Field Lables

8.2.1 Determination of a Field Label

8.2.2 Length of a Field Label

8.3 Field Semantics

8.3.1 Quantities and Amounts

8.3.2 Aggregation Behavior

8.3.3 System Times

8.3.4 Text and Languages

8.3.5 Information for the Fiscal Year

8.4 Foreign Key Relations

8.5 Text Relations

8.6 Composition Relations

8.7 Time-Dependent Data

8.8 Summary


9. The Virtual Data Model in SAP S/4 HANA

9.1 Why a Virtual Data Model?

9.2 Lifecycle, Release, and Stability

9.2.1 Release Contracts and Visibility

9.2.2 Lifecycle

9.2.3 Deprecation

9.2.4 Supported Capabilities

9.3 Structure of the Virtual Data Model

9.3.1 Basic Interface Views

9.3.2 Composite Interface Views

9.3.3 Consumption Views

9.3.4 Other Types of VDMs

9.4 Naming in the Virual Data Model

9.4.1 Field Names

9.4.2 Names of VDM Views

9.4.3 Names of Parameters and Associations

9.5 Basic Interface View for the Sales Order

9.5.1 View Annotations

9.5.2 Structure of the Sales Order View

9.5.3 Specialization

9.5.4 Element Annotations

9.6 Tips for Finding Virtual Data Model Views

9.6.1 Explore CDS Views in SAP API Business Hub

9.6.2 Search in the ABAP Development Tools

9.6.3 Search Views with Specific Annotations

9.6.4 ABAP Where-Used List

9.7 Summary


10. Modeling Analytical Applications

10.1 Analytics in SAP S/4 HANA

10.2 Analytical Views

10.2.1 First Analytical CUbe View

10.2.2 Test Environment for Analytical Views

10.2.3 Analytical Cube Views

10.2.4 Analytical Dimension Views

10.2.5 Analytical Model in the Test Environment

10.2.6 Consistency of the Analytical Model

10.3 Analytical Queries

10.3.1 Definition of an Analytical Query

10.3.2 Initial Layout of a Query

10.3.3 Filter, Select Options, Parameters

10.3.4 Calulation of Measures

10.3.5 Restricted Measures

10.3.6 Exception Aggregation

10.3.7 Currencies and Conversion

10.3.8 Analytical Query Selecting from Dimension Views

10.4 Analytical Infrastructure

10.5 Summary


11. Modelng Transactional Applications

11.1 Transactional Applications

11.2 Transactional Infrastructure in SAP S/4 HANA

11.3 Transactional Object Models

11.3.1 Object Models

11.3.2 Access Controls

11.4 Behavior Definitions

11.4.1 Create Behavior Definition

11.4.2 Behavior Pool and Handler Implementation

11.4.3 Consumption via EML

11.4.4 Static Field Control

11.4.5 Numbering

11.4.6 Exclusive Locks

11.4.7 Authorization Checks

11.4.8 Actions

11.4.9 Functions

11.4.10 Data Determinations and Validations

11.4.11 Dynmic Fearutres Control

11.4.12 Mappings

11.4.13 Calculated Fields

11.4.14 Prechecks

11.4.15 HTTP Etags

11.4.16 Draft

11.5 Transactional Service Models

11.5.1 Service Models

11.5.2 Access Control

11.5.3 Localized Elements

11.5.4 Calculated Fields/ Virtual Elements


11.6 Define Projection Behavior Definition

11.6.1 Projection Behavior Definition

11.6.2 Static Field Control

11.6.3 Operations and Features

11.6.4 Actions and Functions

11.6.5 Prechecks

11.6.6 Augmentations

11.6.7 Consumption via EML


11.7 Runtime Orchestrations

11.7.1 Interaction Phase Operation Flow

11.7.2 Save Phase Operation Flow

11.7.3 Runtime Component Overview

11.7.4 Consumption via OData


11.8 SAP Fiori and OData Consumption

11.8.1 OData Service for Web API Consumption

11.8.2 OData Service for UI Consumption


12 Hierarchies in CDS

12.1 Hierarchy Categories and basics

12.2 Annotation- based Parent-Child Hierarchies

12.2.1 Example of a parent-child hierarchy

12.2.2. Determination of a Hierarchy

12.2.3 Test a Hierarchy


12.3 CDS Hierarchies

12.3.1 Data for an Example of a reporting line hierarchy

12.3.2 Define the CDS Hierarchy

12.3.3 Hierarchy Attributes

12.3.4 Visualization of a Hierarchy

12.3.5 Hierarchy with an Orphaned Node

12.3.6 Hierarchy with Multiple Parent Nodes

12.3.7 Hierarchy with Cycles

12.3.8 Futher Options for Defining Hierarchies

12.3.9 CDS Hierarchies in ABAP SQL

12.4 Summary


13. CDS-Based Search Functionality

13.1 Modeling Value Helps

13.1.1. Modeling Value Help Views

13.1.2 Integrating Value Help Views

13.1.3 Exposing Value Helps

13.1.4 Using Value Helps

13.2 Free-Text Search Funtionality in OData Services

13.3. Summary


14. Extension of CDS Views and View Entities

14.1 Extension Options

14.2 CDS Entity Extensions

14.3 Usage of CDS Entity Extensions

14.4 summary


15. Automated Testing

15.1 Fundamentals of the test double framework

15.2 Test Sample Overview

15.3 Test Implementations of CDS Views

15.4 Test ABAP Logic with SQL Accesses to CDS Views

15.5 Test Code Generation Functions


16. Troubleshooting

16.1 Performance aspects

16.2 Pitfalls

16.3 Troubleshoot Implementations of CDS Models

16.4 Troubleshoot Actication Issue

16.5 Summary