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스터디스터디/영어 - 링글


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career change to SAP developer





  • "at my current job" ... don't have knowledge of said language but (what you know and what you're doing to fill in gaps)
"at my current job" ... don't have knowledge of said language but

Though I'm not well versed in the aforementioned program language, I am proficient in languages such as Python and ____ which can be of use in ____. I do however recognize the necessity of knowing ____ and am taking the time to learn it (how you're learning it)


  • "company name is not my interest"
"company name is not my interest"

Considering Deloitte's professional values of ___ and how they treat their workers in ____ I truly respect the company's mindset when tackling jobs. Especially regarding ___ I believe that there are no other companies that engage in this in the way that Deloitte does.



  • ITS internet Transaction Server
  • supply chain manager


deadlines and tasks

  • put date earlier than calendar
  • expand on your responses through examples, reasoning, connecting it back to yourself


make sure responses have multiple layers


What can you bring to Deloitte?

  • i have job exp.
  • always be really detailed, if you make a claim you have to support it.

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