최초 작성일: 2023년 3월 11일
목표: 영어 실력 향상(오픽 점수 잘 받기)
what i pay attention to should be achieving the certificate through what i have tried to. however, even if all those things to do so are in my hands, it's hard for me to pay attention to those. what's wrong with me...
first thing first. let me be up at 8am. then do some exercise to complete what i planned after all.
it launches new season on my favorite brand, moia. it has been a long time since i found out low classic as my first to change whole my clothing to thiers. getting my own style is one of my aim but it could not be the best for me to spend money buying those now.. on the other hand, it is not easy for me to pay attention to what i wear or have engouth money to buy those once i got a job.
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