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[Ringle]Opic(230407) Q :Tell me about your favorite music genre/artists. A:when i have a free time, i usually listen to the music. what i listen to these days is a classical music. the reason why i like this is it makes me feel comfortable and also do anything else at the same time during listening to the classical music. among the artists of the classical music, i like sungjin jo the best. because he is great and h..
오픽노잼 IH/AL 취득 전략 최초 작성일: 2023년 4월 7일 최종 작성일: 2023년 4월 7일 목적: 오픽 점수 잘 받기(오픽 노잼 유튜브에 ih/al 취득 관련 동영상 보고 내가 느낀 포인트 들 정리) 문제 유형 한 topic을 가지고 콤보로 질문이 나옴 해당 topic을 가지고 아래 4개의 Category에서 문제가 나옴 description - description으로 문제가 나올 확률 99.99%% habit comparison past experience role play 중요 포인트 콤보 - main point maint point에는 what is it?(what are you gonna talk about?) good/bad(positive/negative) why?(what happed/how?) 비고 MP (..
오픽 230문장 연속 듣기 -3 i watch the show like this i watch tv about once a week i usually watch them with friends. i usually go to cafe to hang out with friends my favorite menu item to order is cafe latte the most memorable experience was when i visited famous cafe in paris the first time i went to a cafe is when the the social networkd i like the most is twitter. i usually visit the site before i go to bed. it's my f..
[WIP]뭉치영어 - 4월 3일 ban the use of we are also/ going to ban/ the use of tiktok / on goverment devices / and we will do so / with immediate effect. put restrictions on the british parliamnet/ is the latest government/ to put restrictions / on the app/ owend by beijing based company/ byte dance. tighten control over a proposed/ bipartisan senate bill/ would give/ the federal government/ the power/ to tighten control..
오픽 230문장 연속 듣기 -2 I realized that i couldn't see my family do you know if i can enrol? the problem was that i overcooked the noodles i asked the staff if they reschedule the biggest change in tv programming my professor announed that we would have a special guest. i saved the child who has drowoning i enjoyed reading the books that are educational. when i go on the business trip, i during the trip i met a freind ..
오픽 230문장 연속 듣기 -1 i live in an apartment people work along the riverside. it happened two years ago my work is interesting the park was crowded my neighborhood is boring while watching the movie, i became uncomfortable i was little nervouse she has a beautiful voice. i watched comedy i play basketball with my friedns i have a desktop computer i use a broom to swip the floor i like classical music my boss gave me ..
[WIP]뭉치영어 - 4월 1일 take a toll : 타격을 주다 modern men are struggling to find mate it is taking a toll on society at large. oversupply what we are seeing is oversupply of successful women and many of them college educated and making more money date down the probelm is women don't like to date down and so they are all chasing small group of alphas monogamy: 일부 일처제 when a monogamy is not in fashion commit 20% of womend ..
오픽 점수 잘 받는 꿀팁 모음 -1 [OPic 후기] OPic IM 탈출하여 IH.. : 네이버블로그 (naver.com) [OPic 후기] OPic IM 탈출하여 IH받는 법 & 관악 CBT 센터 후기 안녕하세용!! 훈동이에용~~!! 오늘은 OPIc후기를 알려드릴려고 합니다!! 글의 순위는 관악 CBT 센터 ... blog.naver.com 이틀 공부해서 OPIc IH 받기 : 네이버 블로그 (naver.com) 이틀 공부해서 OPIc IH 받기 0. 본인 영어 수준을 파악한 뒤 글을 읽기 시작하세요 왜냐하면 여러분은 시간이 없으니꾸악 객관적 실력 ... blog.naver.com [자격증] OPIC IH 3일만에 취득 꿀꿀팁.. : 네이버블로그 (naver.com) 1. 오픽 노잼을 일단 들어보고 (스트레스 안받고 꾸준히 공부하기) 2..