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[Completed]350제 - 1

최초 작성일: 23년 3월 20일
최종 작성일: 23년 3월 20일


목표 : 3월 28일에 CPIM Part 1 취득하기


1. which of the following are advantages of using central storages?

  • ease of control
  • inventory record accuracy is easier to attain
  • safety stock is reduced
  • costs are not reduced with central storage. there are labor costs, racking, paper system and other costs associated with central storage.

2. demand on a work center is causes by the next work center. product is not made unless signaled by the next work center. this is called pull system.

a pull system starts with demand from a customer and signals each preceding operation. work is not done on a product unless a signal for demand is generated, thus pulling a product through the manufacturing process.


3. flow system are usually very cost effecticve for the following reason.

because in therir purest form, flow lines are inflexible.


in the flow system, workstations are designed to produce a limited range of similar products, and there is very little buildup of WIP inventory. because in their purest form, flow lines are inflxible. they can produce only a limited family of similar parts and the quantity must be sufficient to justify economically it use.


4. planning bills can be best describes as

grouping like item together got planning.


a planning bill is an artificial grouping of components for planning purposes.

they are used to simplify planning, forecasting, master production scheduling, and material requirement planning.

they do not represent products which are buildable.


5. which of the following demand fulfilment approached typically provides the longest delivery time?

engineer to order


6.independent demand can be defined by all of the following

demand not related to demand from higher level asseblies.

forecasted demand

demand from customer orders


7. which of the following statements is the advantage of floating location system?

this system improved cube utilization(적재 공간의 활용)


the characteristics of floating location system

this system requires accurate and up-to date information on item location


the advantage of fixed location

this system makes it possible to store and retrieve items with a minimum of record keeping

im some small, manual systmes, no records are kept at all

in fixed location, an SKU is assigned a permanent location o locations and no other items are stored there.


8. a company orders from supplier once every ten days delivery takes three days, average demand for SKU is 100 units per week(five working days). they has determined that safety stock is held at one day's supply, inventory on hand 10 units, in periodic review system, which of the following is target value? - 이거 정리 요망

답은 280임


9. the portion of a company's inventory and planned production which is not already commited is available to promise.


available to promise is the porting of inventory and planned production not already commited to orders.

it allows accurate delivery promises to be made to the customer.

- 핵심 문제에서 계산 문제도 확인해보자


10. bottlenecks can be best defined as work stations where required capacity  is greater than the measured capacity.


bottlenecks occur when the required capacity is greater than the available capacity. this condition then creates queues in from of the work center.


11. a shop packet will contain all of the following 

a) engineering drawings

b) bill of materials

c) routes sheets


shop packet에는 manufacturing orders, operation sheet, engineering blueprint,packing list, time tickets, insepction ticking이 포함 되어 있고 routing file에서 operation needed and sequece, primary and alternative work centers, setup and run time pieces, tooling and special inspection.

shop packet은 작업장을 운영하는 데 필요한 서류들의 뭉치 이고 rounting은 작업 절차서임



while the customer might be identified, it is not necessary to include the customer information in the shop packet.


12. work-in-process inventory serves to decouple an operation from succeding operation. 


13. which of the following is generally a function of the physical distribution system? packaging

(distribution 하다 보면 packaging이 됨)


14. if the annual revenue is 750,000 the annual cost of goods sold is 500,000 a year and the average inventory is 100,000. what will be the inventory turn ratio?


ideally a mamufacturer carries no inventory.

however, this is not practical since inventory is needed to support manufacturing. and often to supply customers.

how much inventory is enough?

a convenient measure of how effective inventories are being used is the inventory turns ratio.


inventory turns = annual costs of goods sold / average inventory in dollar


500,000 /100,000 = 5


15. the ability to negotiate price is dependent on the type of product. which of the following products could generally be negotiated?

made to order motors


generally made to order items which are made to specification and could be obtained from many sources can be negotiated.


16. the sales and operation planning is done at the level of product family(group).

sales ans operation planning brings together all the plans for the business(sales, marketing, development, manufacturing, sourcing, and financial) into one integrated plan, it is performed at least one a month and is reviewed by management at an aggregated(product family) level.


17. the primary reasons to use operation splitting is reduce lead time.


operation splitting can be defined as splitting the lot size over multiple machines. this will reduce the lead time. for example, if a lot size is split over two machine, the lot size is essentially cut in half.


18. a where- used report provides all list of all parent where a component is used.

a where-used report provides a list of all parents where a component is used. it is usefull for making mass component



19. system nervousness is caused by requirements changing rapidly.

system nervousness is caused by requirements which change rapidly and usually by small amounts. the planner must, in these cases, apply judgement to the situation before changing the plans to accommodate the change.


20. which of the following best describes an exception message?

a message to the planner that a problem needs attention.


an exception message provided the planner with a notice that a problem needs attention. these exception could be late orders arriving, order not needed, reschedule an order out or in, and many others.


21. 계산 문제


22. 계산 문제


23. in certain manufacturing enviorment, routing is fixed, and work centers are arranged in the order of the routing. the production at each work center takes a similar amount of time. this would describe; the flow manufacturing.


in a flow manufacturing environment, routing are generally fixed with work centers arranged according to the flow.


24. the time fence zone known as the liquid zone would have the following characteristics.

any change can be made to the MPS within the production plan.


the liquid zone is characterized by mostly forecast orders and changes can readily be made without an impact to the bottom line.



25. a component has a fixed cost of 1,000 and a variable cost of 5 per unit to produce. what would the average cost per unit be if the compnay produces 4,000 units?

1,000/4,000 = 0.25 불 + 5불 = 5.25불


26. which of the following is typically characterized as an element of the supply chain? Distribution


27. a company manufactures stoves. it has one distribution center, the average demand is 2000 units and safety stock is 50 units normally. if two disctibution center is added to the company, we can expect.


as the number of distribution centers increases,  the demand in each will decreases.

as the number of distribution centers increse, the safety stock in each decreated. however, the total safety stock in all distribution centers increased.

as the number of distribution centers increases, the safety stock in each will decrease.

the total safety stock in all distribution centers will increase.


28. sometimes a periodic review system(supermarket) is the most effective method to manage inventory. for which of the following conditions would this method be used?


small issues from inventory and transaction are expensive.

order costs are small.

many items are ordered together.


the periodic review system is useful in all cases where there are small issues from inventory, transaction are expensive, ordering costs are small. and many items can be ordered together. for example, supermarkets order by reviewing what is on the sheld. because there are so many transaction in a supermarket, they are expensibe. additionally they sell one or two of an item during each cash register transaction.


29. production inspection are 

it is usually expensive.

it doesn't add value for the customer.

it does not prevent futher defects.

in JIT, product inspection is expensive.


production inspection is expensive, often consuming up to five percent of sales and it does not added balue for the customer. it does not prevent defects but only attempt to identify after resources have been expensed. in JIT technology, if not add value, everying are considered as expense.


30. 계산 문제


31. the term bias describes

bias occurs when actual demand varies consistently higher or lower than the forecase. when bias occurs in the forecast, the forecast must be adjusted.


32.the term load describes

the load on a work center is calculated by adding the required times for all planned and actual orders to be run at a work center for a specified time period.


33. net requirements are 

gross requirements - scheduled receipts -available inventory


34. the level of detail about SOP is not high.

the level of the detail of sales and operation planning is not high, for example, at aggregate or production group level. it is not at component or part level.


35.  waterways are provided by nature or by nature with the assistance of the goverment. the carrier thus has no capital cost in providing the ways but may have to pay a fee foe using the water way. the main advantage of water transport is cost. operating cost are low and ships have a relatively large capacity.


the most useful for moving low-value, bulky cargo over long distance with low cost -water transportation.


36. the purpose of a distribution warehouse.

a warehouse to move and mix goods.

a distribution warehouse is used primarily to break down large lots into smaller lots for shipment.

a general warehouse is used for long term storage.


37.steps in developing a master production schedule(MPS).

the three steps in developing a master production schedule are;

develop a preliminary MPS

check the preliminary MPS against available capacity.

resolve difference between the preliminary MPS and capacity available.


38. a charateristic of a bottleneck - required capacity exceeds available capacity.


39. tracking signal detects bias in a forecast.


40. the distribution channel is the path that goods move through distribution centers to wholesalers and retailers.


41. a low level code is defined as

lowest level on which a part resides in the BOM.


the low level code tells the MRP system the lowest level in which the part resides. the system uses this information to determine when to total all the requirements for a components.  the end item is the 0 level.


42.the primary consideration used in selection a new supplier is manufacturing capability and reliabiltiy.


in order for the supplier to meet your ongoing needs, they must have the right manufacturing capability and reliabiltity. 

no matter what other attributes they may have if they cannot meet your needs on a consistant biasis, then the supplier should not be chosen.


43. aggregate inventory management is concerend with the cost and benefits of carrying the different classes of inventory.


aggregate inventory management is concerned with the cost and benefit of carrying raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods inventory. it is financially oriented.


44. the objective of scheduling is to meet delivery date while utilizing manufacturing resources effectively.


45. the step in the purchasing.

receiving purchase requisition

selecting suppliers

issue purchase order

follow up and expedite as necessary.


the purchasing department receives  purchase requisition from two different sources depending on whether they are using an MRP or EOQ production planning system.in the case where they are running on MRP-based system, they get their current purchase requisitions from the order release report. once the purchasing department has received the purchase requisitions, then, identify and select suppliers.


46. total quality control is if defects are discovered, the process should be stopped.


ultimately the company's user is customer and also the next oepration in the process. daily monitoring can best be done by the oeprator. if defects are discoverd, the process should be stopped and the cause of the defects corrected.


47. the responsibility of planner


reschedule due date of open orders as required

reconcile errors.


planned order are automatically scheduled and controlled by the computer. the basic responsibility of a planner are to launch order to purchasing or manufacturing, reschedule due dates of open order as required reconciles erros and try to find their cause, and solve critical material shortage by expediting or replanning.


48. a dependent demand item is a manufactued subaeembly


49. the balance to cube utilization is accessibility.

cube utilization must always be balanced with accessibility to the goods when they are needed.

for example, a warehouse could have one hundred per cent cube utilization but the warehouse pickers could not pick the goods. therefore warehouses do not operate at 100 % cube utilization.


50. forecasts are usually wrong but we continue to use them. they are necessary becuase forecasts are a prelude to business planning.


forecasts are the prelude to business planning. they provide an estimate of what conditions will look like in the future. so even though we know they are wrong, by measuring how wrong  they are, forecasts can be constantly improved for used by the business.


51.the strategies to use in devloping a production plan. - chase strategy, level strategy.


the chase strategy means production will vary with demand(inventory stays level). the level strategy establishes production at the average demand. fluctuation in demand are absorbed by inventory. the third strategy is subcontracting. production is kept at the minimum demand level. variation in the demand level are absorbed by subscontracting production.


52. 계산 문제


53. in fixed location warehouse system, each SKU has an assigned location. the negative aspect to fixed location warehousing is that cube utilization is poor.

in fixed location warehouse,cube utilization is poor because if a location has no stock, the space remains empty.


54. according toe the EOQ formula, if the ordering costs for an item are greatly reduced, what is the likely impact on the quantity ordered? - ordered quantities will decrease. - EOQ formula가 뭔지 모르겠다


according to the EOQ formula, if ordering costs are reduced, then the quantity ordered will decrease. the EOQ formula finds the lowest total cost by balancing ordering costs with the cost of carrying inventory. if the cost of ordering is reduced, then the quantity needed to balance the order cost could be also reduced.



55. a function specification tells purchasing what to buy.

a function specification tells purchasing what to buy. functional specifications are concerned with the use of the product and what performance characteristics the product needs to have. functional specifications are the most difficult to define for a buyer.


56. master scheduling  links product family planning and component planning


57. material requirement planning schedules a planned order receipt when a net requirements exists.


58.process specification can be best defined as a document shows the steps needed to produce the end item.



actual setup time can be improved if setup is done while the previous job is running.

group set up can reduce the lead time.

when actual settup time reductions are accomplished revise planning lead times to reflect the new set up times.

priority changes often extend actual leadtimes so that it need to find the optimized operation sequence.


60. inventory arears should be locked except for during normal business hours because transaction might not be completed.

inventory location should be kept secure so the transactions are completed and inventories are maintained accurately.if people are allowed to access the inventory without a proper transaction being completed, inventory accuracy will suffer, and the system will become less reliable.


61. providing customers with what they want at low cost describes the relationship between JIT and TQM.


62.the consolidation of several units into large is unitization.

unitization is the consolidation of several units into large units, called unit loads, so there is less handling. a unit load is a load made up of a number of items or bulky material, arranged or constrained so the mass can be picked up or moves as a single unit too large for manual handling.


64. the frozen zone has the characteristics of capacity and materials have been committed to specific orders.

the frozen time fence should have the least changes made because capacity and materials have been committed to specific orders. changes in this zone should have a senior level authorization because of the expense of the changes.


65. 계산 문제


66. production plans are generally monthly statement of shipments, production, and inventory(or backlogs), broken down by production families not end items.


67. the definition of order qualifier is competitive characteristics that a firm must exhibit to be a viale competitor.

order qualifiers are competitive characteristics that a firm must exhibit to be a viable competitors.


68. the end items and quantities to be produced by period are defined by master production schedule.


69.계산 문제


70. 계산 문제


71.계산 문제


73. of all the times associated with manufacturing lead times, which generally takes the most time in intermittent manufacturing? - queue time.


queue time usually accounts for 85~95% of total lead time. as a result, it is critical that production control aggressibrly manages the queue time.



74. an income statement of a company will show cost of products sold.

income statements reflect the revenues and expenses of a company generating either a profit or loss. 

cost of products sold is substracted from the revenue to to obtain a gross profit. from gross profit, expenses are deducted to arrive at net income or loss.


75.계산 문제


76. a characteristic of exponential smoothing.

it provides a routine method of updating item forecasts.

if the forecast with the smaller a follow actual demand more remotley.


exponential smoothing provides a routine method for reqularly updating item forecasts.

if works quite well when dealing with stable items, it has been satisfactory for short range forecasing. it can detect trends, but will lag them. notice that forecast with the larger a follows actual demand more closely.


77. a manufactured component is going to be late. planner review  pegging inquiry screen to ensure a customer will not be affected.


a pegging report or screen would show the source of demand for a part up the bill of materials to the customer order.


78. scrap rate is the best measure of supplier performance. - fast delivery and on time delivery


79.계산 문제


80. orders which are automatically replanned by the computer are called planned order.


planned order are replanned by the computer automatically based on the activities which are occuring. firm orders are not replanned automatically not are scheduled receipts.


81. 계산 문제


82. lot for lot is

ordered only amount required.

used for dependent demand items.

used in JIT enviorment.


lot for lot sizing technique that generates planned order in quantities equal to the net requirement in each period.

since items are ordered only when needed this system creates no unused lot-size inventory. because of this, it is used for expensive components.


83. the role of warehouses serve.

transportation condolication - consolicate small shipment(LTL) into large shipment(TL)

product mixing - group a variety of products into one order.

custmer service - allows products to be placed closer to the customer.

inventory will typically rise with an increase in the number of warehouse.


84. 계산 문제


85.in a JIT manufacturing enviorment, waste can be describes as ' any process which does not add value'.


in Just in time manufacturing, waste can be best described as any process which does not add value. the processes can be overtime, scrap, paperwork, approvals, etc, which do not add any value to the product for customer.


86. factors in selecting suppliers are technical ability, manufacturing capability, reliability, after-sales service, supplier location, price, etc.


87. in JIT, this is used to reduce the number of transactions that have to be recorded called backflushing.

material flows from raw material to work in process to finished goods, in backflushing, raw materials are recorded into WIP. when work is completed and becomes finished goods, the WIP inventory is relieved by multiplying the number of units completed by the number of parts in the bill of material.


88. a key element in selecting a site for a factory is cost and availability of transportation.


89. a company has its warehouse divided so order picker only pick in their area. this warehouse is operating under the system of zone system.


in a zone system, the warehouse is divided into zones and the order picker only pick the items in their sone. the items are sent to the marchalling area to be combined with order items  from other zones for that customer. an area system allows the picker to pick a complete order by moving through the ware house.


90. 계산 문제


91. the term capacity describes the rate of doing work.

the capability of a worker, machine, work center, plan or organization to procude output per period of time.


92.throughput describes the total volume of production passing through a facility,

throughput is the total volume of production passing through a facility. bottlenecks control the throughtput in the facility and must be eliminated in order to increase the throughput.


93. a blanket order in purchasing can be describes as long term commitment to a supplier to purchase a certain quantity of goods over a specified period of time. short term releases are then made against the blanket order.


94.transportation cost are


for any given shipment, the line-haul cost per cwt varies with the cost per mile

for any given shipment the line-haul cose per vwt varies with the weight moved

the terminal-handling costs decrease by reducing the number of parcel by consolidating shipments.

for any given shipment, the line-haul costs cary with the distance shipped. however, the pickup and delivery, termail-handling and billing costs are fixed. in case of pickup and delivery costs, it will be less expensive if the shipment is consolidated into fewer parcels.


95. an important measure of an effective quality measure sould be easy for the user to understand.


96. if the critical ratio is less than 1, an order is behind schedule.

-CR 계산 문제


97. in most companies, material purchases represent 50% percentages of the cost of the product.


98. product layout is

is continouse production

repetitive production

demand must be sufficient to justify setting up the process.

in product layout, a limited range of similar product is produced, work stations are dedicated to specific operations, so demand must be sufficient to justiry setting up the process.


99. the reason for anticipation inventory is

inventory built ahead of the peak season

a potential strike

vacation shutdown

inventory accumulated due to price breaks would be considered lot size inventory. 

anticipation inventory is accumulated in anticipation of the event.


100. a long term supply agreement with a customer allows the supplier to properly plan raw materials, labor, capacity, and other resources.

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