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[Completed] Pocket prep -1(50/100)

최초 작성일: 23년 3월 21일
최종 작성일: 23년 3월 21일


목표 : 3월 28일에 CPIM Part 1 취득하기


1. Ways are a cost associated with carriage and are best described by which of the following? - path


parths over which a carrier operates, including right - of way, roadbed, tracks, and other physical facilities.

maybe owened by the goverment, privately help by the carrier, or provided by nature. are a cost associated with carriage and are best descibed as path ' way are the right of ways used to gain access to area that are leased , railroad tracks or roadbeds.


2. When initiating the use of the balanced scorecard, it is necessary to identify indicators to measure performance for four perspectives. Which of the following is  a balanced scorecard perspective?

financial perspective

customer perspectice

business process perspective


qualtity perspective is not a balanced scorecard perspectives.

APICS defines the balanced scorecard as ' a list of financial and operational measurement used to evaluate organizational or supply chain performance. the dimension of the balanced scorecard might include 1) customer perspective 2) business process perspective 3) financial perspective and 4) innovation and learning perspectives.

it formally connects overall objectives, strategies and measurements. each dimension has goals and measurements.


financial perspective shows how the firm looke to shareholders. customer perspective shows how the customers see the firm. business process perspective shows how well the operational processes are managed. innovation and learning perspectives shows how the firm learns and grows through improvement and value creation.



3.Which department is a critical stakeholder with physical distribution? - marketing


physical distribution has the closest relationship with the marketing department, as marketing consists of the four Ps; product, promotion, price and place.

place creates physical distribution, causing marketing to have the closest relation ship with physical distribution.


4. Why is "quality at the source" a key part of a lean system? reduce the need for inspection to cover possible defects.


the goal of quality at the sources is delivering 100% acceptable quality to the customer. if a company or production flow has 100% certainity the product they received will be acceptable, they can eliminate inbound inspection.


fixing defects after the fact, more inventory, and longer lead times are anti objectives of quality at the source.


5.What are the two causes of variation? common and assignable.


statistical process control helps identify and minimize variation is process using control limits. the two causes or variation are common and assignable.


the APICS Dictionary, defines common cause and assinable cases as;

common cause(random): the variability in product quality that results from numerous uncontrollable everyday factors such as temperature, humidity, and total wear.

assignable cause(special): a source of variation in a process that can be isolated, especially when its significantly larger magnitude of different origin readily distinguishes it from random causes of variation.


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