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[Completed]350제 - 3

최초 작성일: 23년 3월 23일
최종 작성일: 23년 3월 23일


목표 : 3월 28일에 CPIM Part 1 취득하기


182.  the function of selecting and sequecing available jobs to be run at each work center is called 'dispatching'.


dispatching is the process of selecting and sequencing the available jobs to be run at individual work center. it is very important function in that jobs need to be prioritized in order to meet customer due dates.


183. order winners

characteristics that cause a firm's customer to choose that firm's products and services over those of competitors.


184. cycle counting is used to count inventory on a pre-determined schedule for the purpose of identifyng errors and taking corrective action so the error will not occur again. 


185. the objective of establishing MPS are followings;

  • efficient use of resource
  • high customer service levels
  • efficient use of inventory

the master scheduler, when developing the MPS, must make sure labor, material, equipment, and inventory are being used efficiently in order to maintain high level of customer service. efficient final assembly would be developed by a final assembly schedule.


186. the advantages of point of use storage are followings;

  • material handling is reduced
  • storage costs are reduced
  • material is accessible at all tims

point of use storage

Sometiems, particularly in repetitive manufacturing and in a lean production enviroment, inventory is stored close to where it will be used. there are several advantages to point-of-use.

  • material are reasily accessible to users.
  • materials handling is reduced or eliminated.
  • central storage costs are reduced.
  • material is accessible at all times.

this method is excellent as long as inventory is kept low and operating personnel can kepp control of inventory records. sometimes C items are issued as floor stock, where manufacturing is issued a large quantity, which is used as needed. inventory records are adjusted when the stock is issued, not  when it is used.


187. the bottlenecks are work centers where demand exceeds capacity. when this occurs, the throughput or total volume of production, will be limited by the amount which can pass through the bottleneck work center. the bottleneck will only disapprear when action is taken to increase the capacity at the work center.


188. the utilization rate measures the percent of time the machines are actually producing parts. the hours actually worked can be calculated multiplying the utilization percentage by the numver of hours available.


189. where-used and pegging report


where-used report give the same information as bill of material, but the where-used report gives the parent for a component whereas the gill gives the components for a parent. a component may be used in making several parents. wheels on an automobile, for example, migh be used on several models of cars. a listing of all the parent in which a component is used is called a where-used report.  this has several uses, such as in implementing an enginerrinr change or when materials are scarce or in costing a product.


a pegging report is similar to a where-used report. however, the pegging report shows only those parent for which there is existing demand requirement, whereas  the where-used report shows all parents for a components. the pegging report hows the parents creating the demand for the components, the quantities needed, and when they are needed. pegging keeps track if the orgin of the demand.


190. physical supply/distribution is involved with  the movement of goods from the supplier to the beginning of production, and from the end of proeuction to the final customers.


191. the primary objective of a cycle count program is to identify the causes of inventory errors and elminate them permanently. only by correcting the causes of error will the records stay accurate for the system to operate properly and perhaps in the future, eliminate the physical inventory.


192. the  use of bill of material in planning system is how the product is built.


193.shop calendar is the sequence of operation to be performed to manufacture a part.


194. manufacturing has the primary responsibility of conformance of quality.


195. 계산 문제


196. JIT Enviorment is followings;

a successful JIT can only be achieved with the cooperation and involvement of everyone in the organization.

the JIT system emphasizes relationship with suppliers

in JIT, there is no inventory on hand, and the order quantity logis is to make exatly what is needed.

the JIT process is not primarily a plaaning and control system. it is a philosophy and a set of techniques for designing and operating a manufacturing plant. planning and control is still needed in JIT.


197.  Traditional maintenace might be called breakdown maintenance where maintenance is done only when a machine breaks down. for a process to continue to produce the required quality, machinery must be maintained in excellent condition. this can best be achieved through a program of preventibe maintenance.


198. purchase requisitions are generally an out put from material requirement planning.


material requirements planning outputs planned orders for manufactuing and planned requisition for the purchased components. the requisitions are subsequenrly turned into purchase orders.


199.the primary reason to use operation overlapping is to reduce overall manufacturing leadtime.


in operation overlapping, the next operation begins work before the lot is completed at the prior operation. this reduces the overall manufacturing leadtime because the second operation is producing parts and not waiting for the lot to be finished. the leadtime is reduced by the amount of the overlapped operation time.


200. the principles of bottlenecks are followings;

  • using a non-bottleneck 100% of the time does not produce 100% utilization.
  • the capacity of the production process depends on the capacity of the bottleneck.
  • time saved at the bottleneck is where capacity is saved because the entire production process can only go as fast as the bottleneck.
  • capacity and demand must be considered together.


201.income statement shows revenue, expense and income(profit)). revenue come from the sale of goods or service, and expenses come from the cost of goods sold and the general and administrative expense.

cost of good sole include direct labor, material, and overhead whereas general and administrative.

expence include advertizing, insurance, taxes, etc. protit come from revenue minus expense.


202. 계산 문제


203. 계산문제


204. the firm planned order describes following;


it means the system won't use the normal lead time offset from the net requirement for the order

정상적인 planned order라면 보통 정의된 lead time을 사용하겠지만, firmed 이니까 planner가 임의로 정한 lead time을 사용한다.


it is one of method to reduce system nervoueness.


a firm planned order is defined a planned order that can be frozen in quantity and time 

-> planned order가 firm하는 거지 net requirement가 되는 것이 아님


firmed planned order are useful for doing followings;


preventing the system from automatically rescheduling.

creating a planned order that does not agree with the lot sizing rule for that item.

(시스템은 단순히 기준정보(1회 생산 lot size)기준으로 planned order를 짜는 데 시스템이 고려못한 변수 은  planner가 firm planned order를 통해 보정해

freezing the timing of a planned order release.

planned order가 확정 -> explosion of requirements로 이뤄짐

it is not firm requirement that can be frozen in quantity and time -> firm planned order는 qty, leadtime을 픽스 하여 

mrp가 replanning하는 것을 막게 되는데 planned지 release 된거는 아님 -> firm planned order는 안정된 수요정보를 주기위해서 order를  확정하는 것이고 그게 action bucket에 들어와서 planner가 order를 release 할때 구매나 생산쪽에서 on order로 창고 입장에선느 자재가 곧 들어온다는 schedule receipt가 됨.


205. dependent demand item


206. the scheduling of operation before a bottleneck work center is operation should be scheduled to the rate of the bottleneck.


207. the demand for capacity at a work center in specific time period is work center load.


208. the causes of inventory record inaccuraty are followings;

  • withdrawal of inventory without authorization
  • transaction errors in recording inventory issues
  • poor training of personnel
  • unsecured stockroom

209. the push system 'pushes' inventory to distribution centers by making stocking decision centrally. the advantages is that inventory is sent where it is needed most. the disadvantage is that the coordination is more expensive than the pull system.


a company makes all decisions regarding forecasting and orders centrally for its distribution network.


210. a long term supply agreement with a customer allows the supplier to properly plan raw materials, labor, capacity and other resources.


211. a normal distribution can be graphed as bell shaped curve.


212. forecase are more accurate for product families or groups not end items. 

forecasts are more accurate for product families or groups. the reason is that aggregate numbers tend to be more accurate than detailed numbers. so althogh the sales forecast error may be very small in a company, predicting the shipment of an end item will have more error associated with it.


213. the balance sheet for a firm shows long and short term debt.


214. the master production schedule, once established, is submitted to the MRP system for use in calculating demand for the components.


215. the master production schedule is the planned build schedule for manufacturing. a final assembly schedule is generally seperate from the MPS and the actual build schedule may vary from what was planned.


216. Production Planning is generally a direct input to Master production scheduling.

production planning are agreed upon management plans for manufacturing, shipping and inventory/backlog. these plan are developed at the aggregate level(e.g. monthly, product families). the plan provides management approval for the master scheduler to develop the detailed master schedule(end products, weekly)


217. a bill of materials contains;

  • components used to make a product.
  • assemblies at various stages of production.

a bill of materials contains all of the components used in the manufacture of end items. in addition, the subassemblies at various stage of manufacture are described. labor is defined in the routing, generally in stadard hours and safety stock is not generally maintained on the bill of material.


218. in a just in time system of manufacturing, a work center will provide the previous work center with a signal to 'pull' more materials. this method allows the manufacturing system to produce more closely to demand, reducing dramatically the inventory levels needed.


219. a small percentage of the group usually accounts for a large percent of the results.


220.the total volume of production passing through a facility is throughput.


221. 계산 문제


222. inventories allow manufacturing to run longer production runs, which result in lower setup cost per item, an increase in production capacity due to production resources being used a greater portin of the item for processing as opposed to settup.


223. the objectice of SOP are as follows; support the business plan, ensure that the plans realistic, manage change effectively, manage finished goods inventory and backlog, measure performance, build teamwork etc. in demand management, order entry is a process of consuming the forecase with actual order.


224. engineer to order would typically have the longest delivery time.


225. 계산 문제


226. 계산 문제


227.  any costs incurred as the result of having inventroy should be included.

 heating and lighting a warehouse

obsolete inventory

labor to move material

demaged inventroy


228. the demand at a workstation in a just in tiem system typically comes from a pull signal.


229. 계산 문제


230. 계산 문제




232. 계산 문제


233. 계산 문제


234. the movement of materials is divided into two functions: physical supply and physical distribution.

physical distribution provides a bridge between marketing and production. 

physical supply is the movement and storage of goods from suppliers to manufacturing.


235. total employee involvement allows employees to participate in decision making which was previsouly reserved for management. in this environment, the supervisor's role is to help employees suceed by assisting employees in a decision making process rather than telling employees what to do. this coaching process helps employees improve the decisions they make.


236. 쓸 것도 아니라서 안씀


237.  pysical distribution system은 좀 이해가 안됨..


238. 계산 문제


239.  the primary benefit of point of use inventory is reduced material handling.


240.  forward scheduling assuems that material  are not ordered and operation are not scheduled until the customer order is received, regardless of the due date. in a make to order enviorment, work does not begin until the order is received from the customer. the order is then scheduled forward from the order date and considers the load on the finite capacity of each work center through which the order must move.


241. hedge inventory is purchased by companies when prices are low in the market. many commodities such as minerals and grains are trade in open markets with wide fluctuation. inventory will be bought when prices are low to take advantage of the pricing.


242. internal forecasting techniques use internal historical data to forecase future demand. it is used based on an assumption that historical patterns can predict future patterns.


243. dependent demand


244.  in order to maximize profits, a company must manage inventories, provide great customer service, and have efficient plant operations, while minimizing the amount of capital used for inventory.


245. short setup times also have the following advantage;

  • reduces queue
  • reduced WIP
  • improved quality.
  • decreased ecomic order quantity.(economic order quantity를 주문 횟수 정도로 생각 하면 될듯)

if the setup time can be reduce, the lot size can be reduced. for example, if the economic order quantity decreased to 50,. when order quantities are  small, defects have less time to be buried.


short setup time(set up time이 줄어들다) = 한번에 많은 양(lot size)처리 -> 적은 양을 자주 생산

-> EOQ 감소 하고 quality증가( 셋업 타임이 줄어들면 lot size, wip등 관리하는 제품 규모가 줄어드니까 그만큼 품질 관리에 용이해서 품질 향상 도움이 된다)

short setup time의 장점 : 네이버 카페 (naver.com) -> 와 내가 이해 못하는 거는 cpim 카페에 검색하면 다 나오는게 너무 신기하다..


246. forward scheduling assums the material procurement and operation scheduling for a component starts when the order is received whatever the due date, and that operations are scheduled forward from this data.


247. MAD..

 the MAD express the size of the average error irrespective of whether it's positive or negatie. it's the combination of bias and MAD that allow us to evaluate forecasting results. 

bias is perhaps the most critical, since we can compensate for forecast errors through safety stock, expediting, faster delivery means. MAD indivates the expected compensation's size. 

the best-known measure of deviation or dispersion from statistics the standard deviation. when errors are disrupted normally, standard deviation of forecast is 1.25 MAD.  Bias and tracking signals have the tendency of the forecast to be either above or below the actual observation.


248. a reason to maintain inventory is to improve customer service.

one of the primary reasons to maintain inventory is to provide competitive customer service. by having inventory. a company can avoid costly stockouts, lost sales, and lost customers. in some industries, such as consumer goods, it is imperative that the product be in stock when the customer orders.


249. the purpose of EDI is to reduces paperworks.


250. the Just-in-time philosophy is concerned with the elimination of waste of non- value activities. maintaining large inventories is just one of many non-value added activities.


251. continuous production processes is mose appropriate for high-volume bulk products.


252. in periodic review system, the order is placed everytime units and order quantity is variable. 

in pull system, the preceding operation does not produce anything unless a signals sent from the following operation to do to. the most well known system is the kanban systme and it is basically a two bin system; when one bin is used up, it is sent back to the supplier operation and is the signal forward to the customer.


253. a major consideration when selecting a supplier is supplier manufacturing reliability.


254.  any records which cause a change in the gross requirements, inventory or scheduled recipts will trigger an exception message.


255. 계산 문제


256. purchasing must make sure the company receives the best possible service and prompt delivery by the supplier.


257. 계산 문제


258. the two major objectives of MRP  are to:

1) calculate the material requirements base on demand and on hand inventory.

2)kepp order priorities current as business needs change. while MRP  does calculate projected inventory, it is not its primary objectives.


259. the cost of ordering includes any cost associated with placing orders on the factory or suppliers.

receivers who take in material.

set up costs.

cost of material palnner.

cost of buyer.


260.  the purpose of holding extra inventory is to buffer production from demand variation.


261. a routing shows the steps of manufacture including; - the path work follows from work center to work center as it is completed.

operations to be completed.

sequence of operations.

work center.

alternate work center.

tooling necessary.

standard setup and run times.

other activities such as receiving or inventory activities would not typically be on the routing.


262. 계산 문제



stockout cost money for the following reasons: back order costs, lost sales, lost customers. the cost of a stockout varies depending on the itme, the market served, the customer, and competition. in some markets, customer service is major competitive tool, and a stockout can be very expensive.


back order - bad : 납기 지남

back log - good = open order : 수주 잔량


264. if variety of products are made in a factory, the most common unit of capacity is time or hours.  

in factories which make common units, a measure of capacity will be the unit of output. for example, beer is measured in barrels, automobiles are measured in cars produced.


265. operation overlapping allows the next operation to begin eventhough the whole lot has not been completed through the previous operations. it can be used to expedite an order. however, sometimes costs are increased.


266. 계산 문제


267.sometimes it is desirable that the supplier be located near the buyer, ot at least maintain an inventory locally. a close location helps shorten delivery time and means they can keep minimum satefy stock and means emergency shortages can be decreased.


268. the planner's responsibilities do not include overseeing the cycle counting program although inventory error greatly impact the planner.


269. BOM is uses of following;

product costing


enginerring change control


capacity planning used the routing file to determine the load on the work center.


270. Production Activity control system is responsible for executing the materials requirement plan and the master preduction schedule.


271. firm planned order are used by planners when it is necessary to freeze the planned order. this might be necessary due to material shortage or capacity probelms , eg. strikes.


272. the factors in selecting suppliers are 

technical capability, financial reliability, location, service after the sale, price, credit terms and quality capabilties.



273. the input needed for CRP are open shop order, planned order in MRP, routing, time standard, leadtimes, and workcenter capacities.

Capacity requirements planning(CRP)

  • is capacity planning at a more detailed level and is directly linked to the material requirements plan.
  • is concerned with individual orders at individual work centers and calculates work center loads and labor requirements fpr each tiem period ar each work center.
  • noted that although the upper levels of priority planning are input to lower level, the various capcity plans related only to their level in the priority plan, not to subsquent capacicty planning levels.

274. a characteristic of a prod



uct focused lay out is fixed flow of work.


275. a function of physical distribution is material handling.

physical distribution includes all the activities associated with physically moving goods; from the supplier to the start of production, and from the end of production to the consumer. material handling is involved with physical moving the goods. the others are function withing manufacturing.


276.  the definition of demand lead time is the amount of time potential customers are willing to wait for the delivery of a goods.

the time from the receipt of a customer order to the delivery of the product - delivery lead time.

the longest planned length of time to accomplish the activity - the definition of cumulative lead time.

the total setup time plau the run time for specific task - the definition of operation.


277. 계산 문제


278. available capacity can be determined in two ways; measurement and calculation.

measured capacity is determined by a historical data, that is what the machine or operator has produced in the past.


279. purchasing time is part of the overall lead time of a product ; however, manufacturing lead time includes queue time, set up tiem, run time , wait time, and move time.


280.  in projecting demand for a standard design commodity, competitive pricing is typically most important.


281.  inputs to the material requirements planning system needs input from the mater production schedule, inventory records, and the bill of materials in order to process information properly. the production plan is input to MPS.


282.  the basic elements of the supply chain include; supply, manufacture, distribution.


283. the advantage of the product layout  is the lack of WIP inventory. it has very little inventory on the line, but you may have employees or machines that are not being utilized efficiently. it can achieve inventory movement efficiency. however, by achieving this level of inventory efficiency, it lose labor and machinery efficiency.


284. DRP translate MRP logic to distribution system. it is a system that forecast when the various demands will be made by the system on central supply. this gives central supply and factory the opportunity to plan for the goods that will actually be needed. -> 이거 좀 다시 봐야 할듯..

it is the time phased replenishment needs of branch warehouse summed by period.


285.  the factory throughput is regulated by the constraint work center. the constraint work center is by definition the work center that has no available capacity. therefore, the overloads work center regulates the throughtput.


287. in quality costs, the internal failur cost includes;

1) scrap 2) reinspection 3) process loss


288. 계산 문제


289. the movement of finished goods from production to the customer is physical distribution.


290. backward scheduling involves machine operation sequemce as well as move, queue, and wait times . the quantity would directly impact the time taken at each work center.


291. a kanban system basically is a visual reorder point.


292. service parts would typically be forecast independetly from their use during the manufacture of the jet engine. therefor, the jet engine might have independent and dependent demand.


293. 계산 문제


294. in fixed position layout, resource are portable and come to the job site to perform activities. so it can avoid the high cost of moving the product from one workstation to another.


295. a pegging report is used to trace the origin of demand for a component. it shows onl the parent for which demand exist, unlike the where-used report which shows every  parent in which a component is used.


296.  we can expect the cost of truckload shipment to the distribution center to increase, the cost of LTL shipment to customers to decrease. but the total cost of transportation willbe reduced futher. therefore, the cost of TL shipments increased and the cost of LTL shipments decrease. -> LTL, TL shipment가 뭔지 찾아봐야 할듯


297. the mps is used to faciliate communication between sales and manufacturing.


298. 계산 문제


299. 계산 문제


300. in decentralized distribution system, the role of the central supply organization is to respond to demands from the distribution centers.

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