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350제 - 헷갈린거 정리

1.a pull system starts with demand from a customer and signals each preceding operation. work is not done on a product unless a signal for demand is generated, thus pulling a product through the manufacturing process.


2. in the flow system, workstations are designed to produce a limited range of similar products, and there is very little buildup of WIP inventory. because in their purest form, flow lines are inflxible. they can produce only a limited family of similar parts and the quantity must be sufficient to justify economically it use.


3.a planning bill is an artificial grouping of components for planning purposes.

they are used to simplify planning, forecasting, master production scheduling, and material requirement planning.

they do not represent products which are buildable.


4.  which of the following statements is the advantage of floating location system?

this system improved cube utilization(적재 공간의 활용)


the characteristics of floating location system

this system requires accurate and up-to date information on item location


the advantage of fixed location

this system makes it possible to store and retrieve items with a minimum of record keeping

im some small, manual systmes, no records are kept at all

in fixed location, an SKU is assigned a permanent location o locations and no other items are stored there.


5.  the portion of a company's inventory and planned production which is not already commited is available to promise.


available to promise is the porting of inventory and planned production not already commited to orders.

it allows accurate delivery promises to be made to the customer.

- 핵심 문제에서 계산 문제도 확인해보자


6. shop packet에는 manufacturing orders, operation sheet, engineering blueprint,packing list, time tickets, insepction ticking이 포함 되어 있고 routing file에서 operation needed and sequece, primary and alternative work centers, setup and run time pieces, tooling and special inspection.

shop packet은 작업장을 운영하는 데 필요한 서류들의 뭉치 이고 rounting은 작업 절차서임



while the customer might be identified, it is not necessary to include the customer information in the shop packet.


7. work-in-process inventory serves to decouple an operation from succeding operation. 


8. the sales and operation planning is done at the level of product family(group).

sales ans operation planning brings together all the plans for the business(sales, marketing, development, manufacturing, sourcing, and financial) into one integrated plan, it is performed at least one a month and is reviewed by management at an aggregated(product family) level.


9.  a where- used report provides all list of all parent where a component is used.

a where-used report provides a list of all parents where a component is used. it is usefull for making mass component


10.  the time fence zone known as the liquid zone would have the following characteristics.

any change can be made to the MPS within the production plan.


the liquid zone is characterized by mostly forecast orders and changes can readily be made without an impact to the bottom line.


11.. a company manufactures stoves. it has one distribution center, the average demand is 2000 units and safety stock is 50 units normally. if two disctibution center is added to the company, we can expect.


as the number of distribution centers increases,  the demand in each will decreases.

as the number of distribution centers increse, the safety stock in each decreated. however, the total safety stock in all distribution centers increased.

as the number of distribution centers increases, the safety stock in each will decrease.

the total safety stock in all distribution centers will increase.


12.sometimes a periodic review system(supermarket) is the most effective method to manage inventory. for which of the following conditions would this method be used?


small issues from inventory and transaction are expensive.

order costs are small.

many items are ordered together.


13.bias occurs when actual demand varies consistently higher or lower than the forecase. when bias occurs in the forecast, the forecast must be adjusted.tracking signal detects bias in a forecast.


14.net requirements are

gross requirements - scheduled receipts -available inventory


15.the most useful for moving low-value, bulky cargo over long distance with low cost -water transportation.


16.steps in developing a master production schedule(MPS).

the three steps in developing a master production schedule are;

develop a preliminary MPS

check the preliminary MPS against available capacity.

resolve difference between the preliminary MPS and capacity available.


17. a low level code is defined as

lowest level on which a part resides in the BOM.


the low level code tells the MRP system the lowest level in which the part resides. the system uses this information to determine when to total all the requirements for a components.  the end item is the 0 level.


18. total quality control is if defects are discovered, the process should be stopped.


ultimately the company's user is customer and also the next oepration in the process. daily monitoring can best be done by the oeprator. if defects are discoverd, the process should be stopped and the cause of the defects corrected.


19.planned order are automatically scheduled and controlled by the computer. the basic responsibility of a planner are to launch order to purchasing or manufacturing, reschedule due dates of open order as required reconciles erros and try to find their cause, and solve critical material shortage by expediting or replanning.



20. the balance to cube utilization is accessibility.

cube utilization must always be balanced with accessibility to the goods when they are needed.

for example, a warehouse could have one hundred per cent cube utilization but the warehouse pickers could not pick the goods. therefore warehouses do not operate at 100 % cube utilization.


21. the strategies to use in devloping a production plan. - chase strategy, level strategy.


the chase strategy means production will vary with demand(inventory stays level). the level strategy establishes production at the average demand. fluctuation in demand are absorbed by inventory. the third strategy is subcontracting. production is kept at the minimum demand level. variation in the demand level are absorbed by subscontracting production.


22.  according toe the EOQ formula, if the ordering costs for an item are greatly reduced, what is the likely impact on the quantity ordered? - ordered quantities will decrease. - EOQ formula가 뭔지 모르겠다


according to the EOQ formula, if ordering costs are reduced, then the quantity ordered will decrease. the EOQ formula finds the lowest total cost by balancing ordering costs with the cost of carrying inventory. if the cost of ordering is reduced, then the quantity needed to balance the order cost could be also reduced.



23. master scheduling  links product family planning and component planning


24.material requirement planning schedules a planned order receipt when a net requirements exists.


25. providing customers with what they want at low cost describes the relationship between JIT and TQM.


26.the consolidation of several units into large is unitization.

unitization is the consolidation of several units into large units, called unit loads, so there is less handling. a unit load is a load made up of a number of items or bulky material, arranged or constrained so the mass can be picked up or moves as a single unit too large for manual handling.



27.production plans are generally monthly statement of shipments, production, and inventory(or backlogs), broken down by production families not end items.


28. the end items and quantities to be produced by period are defined by master production schedule.


29.of all the times associated with manufacturing lead times, which generally takes the most time in intermittent manufacturing? - queue time.


queue time usually accounts for 85~95% of total lead time. as a result, it is critical that production control aggressibrly manages the queue time.


30. a characteristic of exponential smoothing.

it provides a routine method of updating item forecasts.

if the forecast with the smaller a follow actual demand more remotley.


exponential smoothing provides a routine method for reqularly updating item forecasts.

if works quite well when dealing with stable items, it has been satisfactory for short range forecasing. it can detect trends, but will lag them. notice that forecast with the larger a follows actual demand more closely.


31.a pegging report or screen would show the source of demand for a part up the bill of materials to the customer order.


32. scrap rate is the best measure of supplier performance. - fast delivery and on time delivery


33. planned order are replanned by the computer automatically based on the activities which are occuring. firm orders are not replanned automatically not are scheduled receipts.


34.lot for lot is

ordered only amount required.

used for dependent demand items.

used in JIT enviorment.


lot for lot sizing technique that generates planned order in quantities equal to the net requirement in each period.

since items are ordered only when needed this system creates no unused lot-size inventory. because of this, it is used for expensive components.


35. the role of warehouses serve.

transportation condolication - consolicate small shipment(LTL) into large shipment(TL)

product mixing - group a variety of products into one order.

custmer service - allows products to be placed closer to the customer.

inventory will typically rise with an increase in the number of warehouse.


36.in a JIT manufacturing enviorment, waste can be describes as ' any process which does not add value'.


in Just in time manufacturing, waste can be best described as any process which does not add value. the processes can be overtime, scrap, paperwork, approvals, etc, which do not add any value to the product for customer.


37.. in JIT, this is used to reduce the number of transactions that have to be recorded called backflushing.

material flows from raw material to work in process to finished goods, in backflushing, raw materials are recorded into WIP. when work is completed and becomes finished goods, the WIP inventory is relieved by multiplying the number of units completed by the number of parts in the bill of material.


38.in a zone system, the warehouse is divided into zones and the order picker only pick the items in their sone. the items are sent to the marchalling area to be combined with order items  from other zones for that customer. an area system allows the picker to pick a complete order by moving through the ware house.


39.a blanket order in purchasing can be describes as long term commitment to a supplier to purchase a certain quantity of goods over a specified period of time. short term releases are then made against the blanket order.


40.product layout is

is continouse production

repetitive production

demand must be sufficient to justify setting up the process.

in product layout, a limited range of similar product is produced, work stations are dedicated to specific operations, so demand must be sufficient to justiry setting up the process.


41.transportation cost are -> 이건 뭔지 모르겠


for any given shipment, the line-haul cost per cwt varies with the cost per mile

for any given shipment the line-haul cose per vwt varies with the weight moved

the terminal-handling costs decrease by reducing the number of parcel by consolidating shipments.

for any given shipment, the line-haul costs cary with the distance shipped. however, the pickup and delivery, termail-handling and billing costs are fixed. in case of pickup and delivery costs, it will be less expensive if the shipment is consolidated into fewer parcels.



the balance sheet for a firm shows

profit or loss for the period

ling and short term debt

cost of product sold


43. the most effective ways to reduce system nervousness are to 1) use filters to reduce the messages or 2) use firm order which cause the system to minimize the replanning .


44. tracking signal are used to meaure the quality of the forecast to determine whether to adjust the forecast. they usually measure the sum of error against a deviation measure such as MAD.


45. the advantage of point-of-use inventory over central storage is reduced material handling (point-of-use inventory 찾아보자)

46. income statement and balance sheet show firm's finance condition but do not best shoe firm's ability to pay off debt, and inventory truns show how effectively inventories are being used. cash flow the best firm's ability to pay off debt. it shows the net flow of dollars into or out of the proposed project.


47.if the priority plans have to be adjusted at any ot planning levels because of capapcity problems, those should be reflected in the levels above. thus there must be feedback throughout the system so that the planning can be dept valid at all times. 

closed-loop MRP  is a system built around MRP that includes the additional planning functions of SOP, MPR, CRP, purchasing, PAC.

the term closed loop implies not only that each of these elements is included in the overal system, but also that feedback is provided by the execution functions so that that plant.


a closed loop MRP defined as integrated planning and control system with feedback from the bottom-up.


closed loop MRP systems operate from the top down with feedback throughout the system. these feedback mechnism allow changes to occur in the top level planning.


48. inputs to realistic MPS are 

production plan,forecasts for end items, capacity constraints.

while costs are nice to have, they are not a necessary input.


49. inventory is used to seperate supply from demand. this allows the manufacturing to occur smoothly without as much disruption caused by fluctuating demand.  the inventory acts like a shock absober so the spikes in demand are not reflected in the manufacturing schedule.


50.  the safety stock is fluctuation stock.

fluctuation stock is held to cover random unpredictable in supply and demand or leadtime.

if demand or leadtime is greated than forecast, a stockout will occur. safety scok is carried to protect against this possibility. its purpose is to prevent disruption in manufacturing or deliveries to customers. lot-size inventory is to take advantage of quantity discounts.


51.  owner's equity is assets less liabilities. -> 이게 뭔지는 모르겠


52.with regard to buyer-planner concept,

the planner/buyer is responsible for handling all the activities associated with the buying and production planning functions.

the planner/buyer is responsible for handling all the activities associated with the buying and production planning functions.

there is a smoother flow of information and material between the supplier and the factory.


to improve the effectiveness of the buyer-planner, many companies have combined the two functions of buying and planning. the planner's job and the buyer's job are combined into a single job done by one person. however, this person handles fewer components than either a buyer or a planner and the buyer/planner has a keener with suppliers.


53.many different end items are made from a small number of components. - make to order.

make to order companies typically make many end items from a small number of components. the schedule is developed from actual customer orders.


54.the MPS is a weekly build plan that contains more detail than the production plan. however, the MPS should add up to equal the production plan.



. the mixed model production would be

the number of setup increases.

the ability fo respond to changes in model demand increase

inventory can be a minimum


with the mixed model production, inventory is reduced, and the ability to respond to changes in model demand increase.

the numver of setup increase. but shis is not a problem if setup tims are samll. the goal is to build every model evey day according to daily demand.


according to APICS, 

mixed-model production is making several different parts or products in varying lot sizes so that a factory produces close to the same mix of products that will be sold that day. the mixed-model schedule governs the making and the delivery of component parts, including those provided byt outside cuppliers. the goal is to build every model every day according to daily demand.

28-3 mixed model production 질문합니다. : 네이버 카페 (naver.com)


28-3 mixed model production 질문합니다.

대한민국 모임의 시작, 네이버 카페



56.operations are scheduled from the date the order is received. this  would be forward scheduling.

forward scheduling begins when the order is received. the due date for the customer would be calculated based on material purchases and operation scheduling. it is used for developing promise date for the customer, or determining whether a ldate order can be delivered on time.


57.total employee involvement will result in an increase of coaching for first-line supervision.


58.available to promise is inventory and planned production not already committed.

available to promise is the part of inventory and planned production which is available to be promised to customers for delivery. it is calculated by adding scheduled receipts to the beggining inventory  and subtracting actual orders scheduled before the next scheduled receipt.


59.the seven sources of waste identified by toyota are process, methods, movement, product defects. waiting items, overproduction and inventory.


60. planning bills are bills of material which represent average products.


planning bills are an artificial grouping of components established for planning purposes. they are used to simplify forecasting and scheduling. they are not buildable products.



61.apacity requirement planning is used to determine the feasibility of the material requirements plan.


62. the term linearity is used with Just-in Time to measure the achievement of the plan. this ensures that just the demand is produced and no extra parts are manufactures because time is available.(waste of overproduction).


63.for a company, quick setup and changeover provide a competitive advantage. the advantage of quick set up and change over is

reduced manufacturing lead time

improved quality

reduced work-in process


quick changeover and set up create many advantages, including reduced work-in process, reduced lead time, improved quality and improved flow. while improved maintenance is usually necessary for improved change over, it is not created by quick set up.


64.the ABC approach to inventory control is have planty of 'C'parts.

the ABC inventory control operates on the assumption that a company's limited resources should be used to maintain the high priority items or A items. the C parts have less value and should threfore be maintained at a very high level of inventory so inaccuracies will not impact the operation. this would allow less resources to be committed managing the low priority items.


65.manufacturing lead time depends on queue and queue depends on the number and the batch size or the orders in process. if batch size is reduced, the queue and lead time  will be reduced. reducing lead time improves forecast accuracy and provides better order promising and due-date performance.


66. rough cut capacity planning can be describes as checking to be sure that critical resources are available to support the preliminary MPS.

rough-cut - capacity - planning is concerned with making sure that critical resources are available at the preliminary MPS stage before committing to the schedule. critical resources are bottleneck operations(noe every work center)., labor and material which may be scarce or have long lead time.


67.work cell. -> 책 찾아서 다시 봐야할듯

work cell is dissimilar manchines grouped together into a production unit to produce a family of parts having similar routing. wrok cell permit high variety, low volume manufacturing to be repetitive for work cells to be really effective, product design and process desein must work together so part are designed for manufacture  in work cells.


68. the slushy zone usually requires negotiated trade-offs between marketing and manufacturing. if capacity is available, then changed can usually be made.


69.conformance, as defined by APICS dictionary, is ' an affirmative indication or judgement that a product or service has met the requirements of a relevant specification, contract or regulation'.

this does not mean that a manufacturer is necessarily making the highest quality products in the marketplace.


70.work center load report or display shows the demand for capacity at a work center for a specific period of time.


71.Capacity requirement planning (CRP) is concerned with

  • individual orders and individual work centers
  • calculating work center loads

CRP is concerned with very detailed scheduling for individual orders at each work center to calculate work center loads.

Resource Planning is concerned with checking the resources available for product families while rough cut capacity planning validates the MPS prior to running the schedule.


72. in MRP,  the process of using pegging data to solve material availability or other problem. this process is accomplished by the partner. potential solutions include compressing LT, cutting order quantity, substituing material, and changing the master schedule.


73. the advantage of push system in distribution is replenishment decision making is centralized usually at the manufacturing site or central supply facility.


in push systme, all forecasting and other decision are made centrally. stock pushed out into the system from central supply. field warehouse have little or no say in what they receive.


74.the master production schedule(MPS) is an anticipated build schedule.


75.  in order to manage queues and lead time, input/output control is used.


76.dispatching describes as releasing order to shop floor.

dispatching is the function of releasing orders to the shop floor based on the material requirements plan priorities.

dispatching is the process of selecting and sequencing the available jobs to be run at individual work centers. it is a very important function in that jobs need to be prioritized in order to meet customer due dates.


77.backward scheduling schedules the last operation on the routing so that the completion date is the due data. all previous operations are scheduled back from the last operation. the benefit of backward scheduling is that it schedules back from the customer due date.  however, ther is no slack time, on time delivery and service may suffer.


78. cycle counting is used to count inventory on a pre-determined schedule for the purpose of identifyng errors and taking corrective action so the error will not occur again. 



the objective of establishing MPS are followings;

  • efficient use of resource
  • high customer service levels
  • efficient use of inventory

the master scheduler, when developing the MPS, must make sure labor, material, equipment, and inventory are being used efficiently in order to maintain high level of customer service. efficient final assembly would be developed by a final assembly schedule.


80. the advantages of point of use storage are followings;

  • material handling is reduced
  • storage costs are reduced
  • material is accessible at all tims

point of use storage

Sometiems, particularly in repetitive manufacturing and in a lean production enviroment, inventory is stored close to where it will be used. there are several advantages to point-of-use.

  • material are reasily accessible to users.
  • materials handling is reduced or eliminated.
  • central storage costs are reduced.
  • material is accessible at all times.

this method is excellent as long as inventory is kept low and operating personnel can kepp control of inventory records. sometimes C items are issued as floor stock, where manufacturing is issued a large quantity, which is used as needed. inventory records are adjusted when the stock is issued, not  when it is used.


81. where-used and pegging report


where-used report give the same information as bill of material, but the where-used report gives the parent for a component whereas the gill gives the components for a parent. a component may be used in making several parents. wheels on an automobile, for example, migh be used on several models of cars. a listing of all the parent in which a component is used is called a where-used report.  this has several uses, such as in implementing an enginerrinr change or when materials are scarce or in costing a product.


a pegging report is similar to a where-used report. however, the pegging report shows only those parent for which there is existing demand requirement, whereas  the where-used report shows all parents for a components. the pegging report hows the parents creating the demand for the components, the quantities needed, and when they are needed. pegging keeps track if the orgin of the demand.


82. the  use of bill of material in planning system is how the product is built.


83.shop calendar is the sequence of operation to be performed to manufacture a part.


84. manufacturing has the primary responsibility of conformance of quality.


85. material requirements planning outputs planned orders for manufactuing and planned requisition for the purchased components. the requisitions are subsequenrly turned into purchase orders.


86. income statement shows revenue, expense and income(profit)). revenue come from the sale of goods or service, and expenses come from the cost of goods sold and the general and administrative expense.

cost of good sole include direct labor, material, and overhead whereas general and administrative.

expence include advertizing, insurance, taxes, etc. protit come from revenue minus expense.


87. the firm planned order describes following;


it means the system won't use the normal lead time offset from the net requirement for the order

정상적인 planned order라면 보통 정의된 lead time을 사용하겠지만, firmed 이니까 planner가 임의로 정한 lead time을 사용한다.


it is one of method to reduce system nervoueness.


a firm planned order is defined a planned order that can be frozen in quantity and time 

-> planned order가 firm하는 거지 net requirement가 되는 것이 아님


firmed planned order are useful for doing followings;


preventing the system from automatically rescheduling.

creating a planned order that does not agree with the lot sizing rule for that item.

(시스템은 단순히 기준정보(1회 생산 lot size)기준으로 planned order를 짜는 데 시스템이 고려못한 변수 은  planner가 firm planned order를 통해 보정해

freezing the timing of a planned order release.

planned order가 확정 -> explosion of requirements로 이뤄짐

it is not firm requirement that can be frozen in quantity and time -> firm planned order는 qty, leadtime을 픽스 하여 

mrp가 replanning하는 것을 막게 되는데 planned지 release 된거는 아님 -> firm planned order는 안정된 수요정보를 주기위해서 order를  확정하는 것이고 그게 action bucket에 들어와서 planner가 order를 release 할때 구매나 생산쪽에서 on order로 창고 입장에선느 자재가 곧 들어온다는 schedule receipt가 됨.


88.  the scheduling of operation before a bottleneck work center is operation should be scheduled to the rate of the bottleneck.


89. the scheduling of operation before a bottleneck work center is operation should be scheduled to the rate of the bottleneck.


90.  the scheduling of operation before a bottleneck work center is operation should be scheduled to the rate of the bottleneck.


91.the master production schedule, once established, is submitted to the MRP system for use in calculating demand for the components.


 the master production schedule is the planned build schedule for manufacturing. a final assembly schedule is generally seperate from the MPS and the actual build schedule may vary from what was planned.


Production Planning is generally a direct input to Master production scheduling.

production planning are agreed upon management plans for manufacturing, shipping and inventory/backlog. these plan are developed at the aggregate level(e.g. monthly, product families). the plan provides management approval for the master scheduler to develop the detailed master schedule(end products, weekly)


92. a bill of materials contains;

  • components used to make a product.
  • assemblies at various stages of production.

a bill of materials contains all of the components used in the manufacture of end items. in addition, the subassemblies at various stage of manufacture are described. labor is defined in the routing, generally in stadard hours and safety stock is not generally maintained on the bill of material.


93. in a just in time system of manufacturing, a work center will provide the previous work center with a signal to 'pull' more materials. this method allows the manufacturing system to produce more closely to demand, reducing dramatically the inventory levels needed.



94. in a just in time system of manufacturing, a work center will provide the previous work center with a signal to 'pull' more materials. this method allows the manufacturing system to produce more closely to demand, reducing dramatically the inventory levels needed.


95. total employee involvement allows employees to participate in decision making which was previsouly reserved for management. in this environment, the supervisor's role is to help employees suceed by assisting employees in a decision making process rather than telling employees what to do. this coaching process helps employees improve the decisions they make.


96. the primary benefit of point of use inventory is reduced material handling


97.forward scheduling assuems that material  are not ordered and operation are not scheduled until the customer order is received, regardless of the due date. in a make to order enviorment, work does not begin until the order is received from the customer. the order is then scheduled forward from the order date and considers the load on the finite capacity of each work center through which the order must move.


98.forward scheduling assuems that material  are not ordered and operation are not scheduled until the customer order is received, regardless of the due date. in a make to order enviorment, work does not begin until the order is received from the customer. the order is then scheduled forward from the order date and considers the load on the finite capacity of each work center through which the order must move.


 99.forward scheduling assums the material procurement and operation scheduling for a component starts when the order is received whatever the due date, and that operations are scheduled forward from this data.


100. MAD..

 the MAD express the size of the average error irrespective of whether it's positive or negatie. it's the combination of bias and MAD that allow us to evaluate forecasting results. 

bias is perhaps the most critical, since we can compensate for forecast errors through safety stock, expediting, faster delivery means. MAD indivates the expected compensation's size. 

the best-known measure of deviation or dispersion from statistics the standard deviation. when errors are disrupted normally, standard deviation of forecast is 1.25 MAD.  Bias and tracking signals have the tendency of the forecast to be either above or below the actual observation.


101. continuous production processes is mose appropriate for high-volume bulk products.


102. in periodic review system, the order is placed everytime units and order quantity is variable. 

in pull system, the preceding operation does not produce anything unless a signals sent from the following operation to do to. the most well known system is the kanban systme and it is basically a two bin system; when one bin is used up, it is sent back to the supplier operation and is the signal forward to the customer.


103.  any records which cause a change in the gross requirements, inventory or scheduled recipts will trigger an exception message.


104. stockout cost money for the following reasons: back order costs, lost sales, lost customers. the cost of a stockout varies depending on the itme, the market served, the customer, and competition. in some markets, customer service is major competitive tool, and a stockout can be very expensive.


back order - bad : 납기 지남

back log - good = open order : 수주 잔량


105. BOM is uses of following;

product costing


enginerring change control


106. Production Activity control system is responsible for executing the materials requirement plan and the master preduction schedule.


107. the input needed for CRP are open shop order, planned order in MRP, routing, time standard, leadtimes, and workcenter capacities.

Capacity requirements planning(CRP)

  • is capacity planning at a more detailed level and is directly linked to the material requirements plan.
  • is concerned with individual orders at individual work centers and calculates work center loads and labor requirements fpr each tiem period ar each work center.
  • noted that although the upper levels of priority planning are input to lower level, the various capcity plans related only to their level in the priority plan, not to subsquent capacicty planning levels.

108.  a characteristic of a product focused lay out is fixed flow of work.


109.available capacity can be determined in two ways; measurement and calculation.

measured capacity is determined by a historical data, that is what the machine or operator has produced in the past.


110. inputs to the material requirements planning system needs input from the mater production schedule, inventory records, and the bill of materials in order to process information properly. the production plan is input to MPS.


111. inputs to the material requirements planning system needs input from the mater production schedule, inventory records, and the bill of materials in order to process information properly. the production plan is input to MPS.


112.  inputs to the material requirements planning system needs input from the mater production schedule, inventory records, and the bill of materials in order to process information properly. the production plan is input to MPS.


113. the factory throughput is regulated by the constraint work center. the constraint work center is by definition the work center that has no available capacity. therefore, the overloads work center regulates the throughtput.


114. in quality costs, the internal failur cost includes;

1) scrap 2) reinspection 3) process loss


115. a kanban system basically is a visual reorder point.


116.service parts would typically be forecast independetly from their use during the manufacture of the jet engine. therefor, the jet engine might have independent and dependent demand.


117. in fixed position layout, resource are portable and come to the job site to perform activities. so it can avoid the high cost of moving the product from one workstation to another.

118.a pegging report is used to trace the origin of demand for a component. it shows onl the parent for which demand exist, unlike the where-used report which shows every  parent in which a component is used.


119. we can expect the cost of truckload shipment to the distribution center to increase, the cost of LTL shipment to customers to decrease. but the total cost of transportation willbe reduced futher. therefore, the cost of TL shipments increased and the cost of LTL shipments decrease. -> LTL, TL shipment가 뭔지 찾아봐야 할듯


120. the mps is used to faciliate communication between sales and manufacturing.


121.  in decentralized distribution system, the role of the central supply organization is to respond to demands from the distribution centers.


122.  trucks as a mode of transportation, are best suited for moving small quantities to widely dispersed markets.

trains are better for moving large quantities.


123. with intermittent manufacturing, the flow of work is varied, depending on the design. this causes the work flow to be unbalanced. machinery and workers need to be flexible and are generally grouped together by function. throughout times are generally long depending on the work which needs to be done at each work center. as a result, scheduling is very complex. the capacity needed depends on the mix of products moving through the various work center.

124. fixed lcation warehouses offer poor cube utilization becuase pallet location are left empty when the product assigned to the location is out of stock. generally, fixed locations are used in small warehouses with low throughput.



125. senior management should be the first to receive education on total quality management concepts.


126. when each distribution center orders from central supply of the factory independently of what other distribution center are doing, it is called a pull system. the advantage is that coordination and communication is less expensive. the disadvantage is that the lack of coordination causes probelms with customer service and inventories.


127. releasing orders to the shop controls the input rate. if orders are released faster than they can be produced, then queue, work-in-progress, and lead times will increase.


128. truckers, airline and water carries accept less than full load, but railways usually do not accept LCL(less than carloads) shipment. transportation costs can be decreased by using warehouses. this is accomplished by consolidating small shipment into large shipments. it means that LTL shipement from several suppliers can be consolidated at warehouse before bing shipped TL to the factory.


129.  an intermittent manufacturer is characterized by  processing in batches, and large variation in design and order quantities. at the extreme, every job could be made to customer specifictaion. the product lacks a continuous flow. howver, JIT principle can be applied for employee involvement, workplace layout, total quality control, preventive maintenance, setuptime redution, supplier partnership, and inventory reduction.


130.overloaded work centers determines the throughput of a munufacturing process.

work center에 overload되었으니 이 work center가 bottle neck이 되고 bottle neck이 되는 work center가 throughput을 결정 한다.


131.backflushing is a system for doing inventory and labor transactions based on the finished goods production. with this system, one transaction will create the many issues transaction for inventory. this process works best when the leadtime for the product is short and the product flow down a product line.


132.in a decentralized distribution system, the role of the central supply organization is to repspond to demands fromt the distribution centers.


133.cost of carrying inventory =  capital cost, storage cost, risk cost(obsolescence,damage, pilferag, deterioration), opportunity cost

* the mose significant cost factor that contributes to inventory carrying cost is opportunity cost.

cost of ordering : production control cost, setup and tear down cost, lost capacity cost(ordering에 쓴 capcacity를 잃는 거니까 오더링 하는 순간, purchase oder cost


inventory carrying cost 기여하는 것중 에서 가장 중요한 cost factor는 ? : 네이버 카페 (naver.com)


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134. inputs to the material requirement planning system are

1) MPS 2) Inventory record 3) BOM. 

MPS drives the MRP system by providing the initial input for the items needed. 

a major input to the MRP  is inventory. when a calcultaion is maed to find out how many are needed, the quantities available must be considered. the BOM shows all the part required to make one of them.


135.the planner / buyer concept improves coordination between  the factory and supplier


136. MRP  has two major objectives; determine requirements and keep priorities current.


137.offsetting is the process  of placing the exploded requirements in their  proper periods based on leadtime.

  • offsetting : 앞단계에서 전개된 수요량에 대해 기간별로 그 양을 기재(입력)하는 과정 (리드 타임을 고려한다, LT에 맞게 planned order release에 배치하는 것)/ bom의 하위자재들이 각각의 leadtime 기준으로 일정이 만들어 지는 개념.
  • expliding : 필요한 component가 얼마나 되는 지 계산하는 과정. requirement를 구하는 과정.(수량을 multiple)/enditem의 소요일에 따라 bom이 전개되는 개념.

138. quality must be the operators responsibility. they are the only one who can make sure defects are not built into the product. they must be allowed to stop process when defects are found.


139.  in the periodic review systme, the review period is fixed, and the order quantity is allowed to vary. the system requires a larger inventory to cover the maximum expected demanding during the leadtime plus a review interval.


140. nput/output control manages the queues by regulating the flow of work into the work center. by regulating the inflow of work to equal the outflow of work. the work will flow smoothly to meet the leadtimes needed. generally, the input/output control is measured in hours.


141.the most critical in achieving the goal of value added is the materials, and labor is the least imporant usually. 

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