분류 전체보기 (369) 썸네일형 리스트형 [엑셀 업로드 프로그램 이해하기]PERFORM UPLOAD_FROM_EXCEL 디버깅(1/2) 최초 작성일: 2024-08-18최종 작성일: 2024-08-18목표: 엑셀업로드프로그램 이해하기 #1. CALL FUNCTION GUI_UPLOAD 디버깅 FORM upload_from_excel . DATA : lv_filename TYPE string, lt_records TYPE solix_tab, lv_headerxstring TYPE xstring, lv_filelength TYPE i. lv_filename = p_file. CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_UPLOAD' EXPORTING filename = lv_filename filetype .. [엑셀 업로드 프로그램 이해하기-3/N ]PBO,PAI 최초 작성일: 2024-08-18최종 작성일: 2024-08-18목표: 엑셀업로드 프로그램 이해하기 START-OF-SELECTION. -> 선택이 끝나면IF r1 = 'X'. -> 조회 하는 경우 PERFORM CHECK_BEFORE_PROCESS.* 파일 업로드 진행 PERFORM UPLOAD_FROM_EXCEL. PERFORM GET_DATA. -> 오류 검증ELSEIF r2 = 'X'. -> 편집 하는 경우 PERFORM GET_NEEDED_DATA. -> 편집 진행ELSEIF r3 = 'X'. -> 삭제하는 경우 PERFORM DEL_DATA. -> 삭제ENDIF.*&========================================================.. 24.07.28 ✏️ Tutor's Editing Place Notes:The last one I was involved in is about information strategy master plan, which gives the guidance on finding the best IT solution for the customer. My main role is responsible for controlling the outcomes and making the best process for the customer.The last one I was involved in is about information strategy master plan, which gives the guidance on finding the be.. 24.07.20 ✏️ Tutor's Editing PlaceMinji Q1i always work so suddenly i feel like im worried that what im talking about is only working. it has been a year since i changed my career actually i had been working as a supply chain manager for 10 years which means its more difficult for me to escape from a safe zonei always work so suddenly i feel like im worried that what im talking about is only working. it h.. 240707 ✏️ Tutor's Editing PlaceIn your own words, please briefly summarize the article.According to the article, it said reading the news is one of the ways to improve English. There are several reason it recommended. One of them is get used to professional English. Additionally, it helps not only get the topic to talk with English Speaker but also easily understand the way the English speaker lives. .. [WIP]Implementing SAP S/4 HANA Cloud Public Edition-1/N The partner/SAP line of business (LoB) configuration experts lead Fit-to-Standard workshops with the corresponding LoB experts from the customer's extended project team.The partner/SAP LoB configuration experts are responsible for documenting important information related to business processes in their LoB area of expertise with the Requirements app in SAP Cloud ALM.In the Realize phase, the doc.. [WIP]Excel_Upload프로그램_프로그램 작동 로직(3/3) 최종 작성일: 2024년 6월 27일최종 목표: 엑셀 업로드 동작이 어떻게 돌아가는 지 확인하기2 (디버깅으로 통해 작동 로직 제대로 이해하기) 엑셀 다운로드 순서 1. Initialization FORM act_function_key . CASE SSCRFIELDS-UCOMM. WHEN 'FC01'. PERFORM EXCEL_DOWN_SMPL. ENDCASE. ENDFORM. FC01을 선택했으니 'EXCEL_DOWN_SMPL' 실행할 것 2. FORM excel_down_smpl 다운로드 양식 설정 (파일명등) 해당 엑셀 파일 저장 경로 지정 3. OLE OBJECT 생성 & 실행 2번 excel_down_smpl form 실행 시 설정한 파일명(ls_key-objid)을 .. [WIP]Excel_Upload프로그램_프로그램 작동 로직(2/3) 최종 작성일: 2024년 6월 25일최종 목표: 엑셀 업로드 동작이 어떻게 돌아가는 지 확인하기 1)FORM excel_down_smpl .* 다운로드 양식 선택 LS_KEY-OBJID = 'ZTEST14_EXCEL01'. LS_KEY-RELID = 'MI'.* 파일 경로 조회 2) PERFORM SET_DIRECTORY USING LS_KEY-OBJID.* 엑셀 다운 3) PERFORM DOWNLOAD_EXCEL_SMPL USING LS_KEY-OBJID. IF SY-SUBRC = 0. MESSAGE '엑셀정상다운' TYPE 'S'. ELSE. MESSAGE '엑셀다운에러' TYPE 'S'. ENDIF.ENDFORM. 1. 파일 저장 경로 조회 ( 다운로드 받은 엑셀 파일.. 이전 1 ··· 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ··· 47 다음